12. Хорошо, что вы послушались совета врача, иначе вам было бы не избе перевод - 12. Хорошо, что вы послушались совета врача, иначе вам было бы не избе английский как сказать

12. Хорошо, что вы послушались сове

12. Хорошо, что вы послушались совета врача, иначе вам было бы не избежать воспаления легких.
13. В прошлое воскресенье дождь лил целый день, иначе мы поехали бы за город
14. Он говорит, что у него что-то не в порядке с сердцем, а то он принял бы участие в спортивных состязаниях.
15. Если бы не головная боль, я бы присоединилась к вашей компании.
16. Он бы не поправился так быстро после болезни, если бы не хороший уход в больнице.
17. Если бы не его хорошее здоровье, он не смог бы выдержать всех трудностей этой экспедиции.
18. Если бы не ваши пилюли, доктор, меня бы положили в больницу. Они сотворили чудо.
19. Если бы ты вчера оделась потеплее, ты бы сегодня не кашляла и не чихала.
20. Если бы вы знали симптомы кори, вы бы сразу же поняли, что это была не скарлатина.
21. Он поехал бы с нами, если бы не его внезапная болезнь.
22. Странная женщина! Она не стала бы советоваться с врачом, даже если бы почувствовала себя плохо.
23. Даже если бы ему сделали операцию, это не помогло бы. Ему уже ничем нельзя было помочь.
24. Было поздно, и было бы естественно, если бы больной ребенок уснул, но он не спал и пристально смотрел на спинку кровати.
25. Как бы вы ответили на этот вопрос?
26. Что бы вы сделали на моем месте?
27. Я бы посоветовала вам обратиться к зубному врачу.
28. Я бы этого никогда не сделал без вашей помощи.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
12. The good thing is that you listen to your doctor's advice, otherwise you would not avoid pneumonia. 13. Last Sunday it rained the whole day, or else we would be traveling to the city 14. He said that he had something wrong with his heart, and he would take part in sports competitions. 15. If it were not for the headache I would have joined your company. 16. He would not have recovered so quickly after an illness, if not for good care at the hospital. 17. If it were not for his good health, he could not endure all hardships of the expedition. 18. If not your pills, doctor, I would be put in the hospital. They created a miracle. 19. If you're dressed warmly yesterday you would today not coughed and not čihala. 20. If you knew the symptoms of measles, you would immediately realize that this wasn't a scarlet fever. 21. He would be with us, if not for his sudden illness. 22. Strannaya zhenschina! It would not consult a doctor even if felt bad. 23. Even if he had the surgery, it would not help. It already has been, nothing can help. 24. it was late, and it would be natural if the sick child asleep, but he hasn't slept and intently stared at the headboard. 25. How would you answer this question? 26. What would you do in my place? 27. I would encourage you to consult a dentist. 28. I would have never done without your help.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

12. It is good that you have obeyed the doctor's advice, otherwise you would not be avoided pneumonia.
13. Last Sunday, the rain poured down all day, otherwise we would go out of town
14. He says that he has something wrong with the heart, and that it would take part in sports.
15. If not for a headache, I have joined your company.
16. He would not have recovered so quickly from illness, if not for good care at the hospital.
17. If not for his good health, he could not endure all the difficulties of the expedition.
18. If not for your pills, doctor, I would have been admitted to the hospital. They have created a miracle.
19. If you are dressed warmly yesterday, you would have today is not coughed or sneezed.
20. If you knew the symptoms of measles, you would have immediately realized that it was not a scarlet fever.
21. He would go with us, if not for his sudden illness.
22. A strange woman! She would not consult a doctor, even if it felt bad.
23. Even if he had surgery, it would not help. He has nothing could help.
24. It was late, and it would be natural if a sick child has fallen asleep, but he was not asleep, and was staring at the headboard.
25. How would you answer this question?
26. What would you do in my place?
27. I would advise that you contact your dentist.
28. I would never have done this without your help.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

12. well, you heard of a doctor, otherwise you would not prevent pneumonia.
13. last sunday, rain all day, we went to the town of
14. he saidthat he had something wrong with his heart, he took part in the sports.
15. if not a headache, i would have joined your company.
16. he wouldn't have recovered so quickly after the illnessif not good care in the hospital.
17. if not his good health, he would not be able to withstand all the challenges of this expedition.
6. if not for your pills, doctor, i'd put you in the hospital. they have created a miracle.
19.if you dress up clothes, you would today not coughed and sneezed. - hello.
20. if you know the symptoms of measles, you would immediately realized that this was not the scarlet fever.
21. he went with us, if not for his sudden illness.
22.the strange woman! she would not consult with a doctor, even if i feel bad.
23. even if he had the operation, it wouldn't help. he's no help.
24. it was too late.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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