Мой милый мальчик ! Ты конечно скучаешь по общению со мной? Я это чувствую на расстоянии. Или я ошибаюсь ? Мне тоже не хватает тебя.Ты мужчина, тебе не понять
Безысходность пустых ожиданий.
Только женщина может так ждать,
Отстраняясь от прежних страданий.
Сколько их – неудавшихся встреч,
Вечеров, ускользающих мимо…
Вот опять – при мерцании свеч
Я одна, это больно, любимый…
Пусть играет всю ночь саксофон
В опустевшей внезапно квартире,
Я под музыки сладостный стон
Все забвенью предам в этом мире.
Не считай слишком сильной меня,
От той, прежней, немного осталось –
Лишь во взгляде подобье огня,
А еще пустота и усталость…
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My sweet boy! You certainly miss communication with me? I feel it in the distance. Or am I wrong? I too miss you. you're the man, you don't understandThe despair of an empty expectation.Only a woman can waitPulling away from past suffering.How many of them are failed meetings,Evenings, reappearing in the past.Here we go again-in the shade of the candleI have one, it hurts, favorite ...Let the whole night playing saxophoneIn the vacant apartment suddenlyI'm under the music sweet moanAll zabven′û betray in this world.Do not consider me too strong,From the previous, slightly left-Only in podob′e fireAnd yet the emptiness and fatigue.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
My dear boy! You certainly miss communicate with me? I can feel it in the distance. Or I'm wrong? I also do not have enough tebya.Ty man, you do not understand the
hopelessness of empty expectations.
Just because a woman can wait,
suspended from the former suffering.
How many of them - failed meetings,
evening, escaping by ...
Here we go again - with candlelight
me, it hurts, favorite ...
Let saxophone playing all night
in the empty apartment suddenly,
I'm under the music Sweet moan
All oblivion betray in this world.
Do not think too much me
from that same, little is left -
only the appearance of fire in his eyes,
And the emptiness and fatigue ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
You're my boy! You of course will be finished in nine or ten months to communicate with me? I feel at a distance. Or I am mistaken? I think that is not enough you.You are a man, you do not understand
frustration empty expectations.
only a woman can wait,
Dogma from the previous suffering.
how many of them - failed meetings,
evenings, your every thought passing ...
yet again - when flicker candle
i am one, it is painful and a favorite ...
let plays all night percussion
in confectionary suddenly headquarters,
I am under the music dim shadows appear on edge had flashed
all forget betray in this world.
don't count too heavily me,
from the old one, a little is left -
only in looking подобье fire,
and yet emptiness and fatigue ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..