1. — Вы ведь видели новый спектакль в нашем театре, да? Как он вам понравился?— По-моему, это прекрасный спектакль. Собственно говоря, содержание было мне знакомо, но тем не менее (but ... just the same) мне понравился весь спектакль от начала до конца. Артисты подобраны прекрасно, ведущую роль исполняла Николаева.— Правда? Я предпочитаю Петрову в этой роли.2. — Вы видели последние картины этого художника? Они демонстрируются (показываются) в главном выставочном зале.— Нет еще, я был очень занят последнее время. Но эту выставку все хвалят, и я хочу посмотреть ее.— Выставку действительно стоит посмотреть. Н. считается прекрасным пейзажистом (a landscape painter). Но некоторые из его картин довольно необычны. Я советую вам посмотреть его биографию, прежде чем вы пойдете на выставку. Это поможет вам понять художника.3. — Доброе утро, г-н Смит. Как вы провели время (развлекались) в воскресенье?— Доброе утро, г-н Иванов. Вчера я чудесно провел вечер. Мне, наконец, удалось посмотреть «Лебединое озеоо» (“The Swan Lake”). Я в восторге от спектакля (Я на слаждался каждой минутой).— Вы не хотели бы пойти в оперу или в кукольный театр (the Puppet Theatre)? Я могу посмотреть, что идет завтра.— Нет, спасибо, я предпочитаю балет, особенно русский. Его хвалят во всем мире, еще (even) в Лондоне я с нетерпением ждал, когда смогу насладиться вашим балетом.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1 - You've seen the new play at the theater, right? How did you like it? <br>- In my opinion, this is an excellent performance. Strictly speaking, the content was familiar to me, but nevertheless (but ... just the same) I liked the whole show from start to finish. Artists are chosen well, the lead role is played by Nikolaev. <br>- True? I prefer to Petrov in the role. <br>2 - Have you seen the latest pictures of the artist? They demonstrated (shown) in the main exhibition hall. <br>- Not yet, I have been very busy lately. But this exhibition all the praise, and I want to see her.<br>- The exhibition is really worth seeing. NA is considered an excellent a landscape (a landscape painter). But some of his paintings are rather unusual. I advise you to see his biography before you go to the exhibition. This will help you to understand the artist. <br>3. - Good morning Mr. Smith. How did you spend the time (good time) on Sunday? <br>- Good morning Mr. Smith. Yesterday I spent a wonderful evening. I finally managed to see "Swan OSEO-» ( "The Swan Lake") . I am delighted with the performance (I'm on slazhdalsya every minute). <br>- You would not want to go to the opera or to the puppet theater (the Puppet Theatre)? I can see what is coming tomorrow. <br>- No thanks, I prefer the ballet, especially Russian. His praise in the world, still (even) in London, I was looking forward to when I can enjoy your ballet.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. - You've seen a new play in our theater, haven't you? How did you like him?<br>"I think it's a great performance. As a matter of fact, the content was familiar to me, but nevertheless (but ... just the same) I liked the whole performance from start to finish. The artists were well chosen, Nikolaeva played the leading role.<br>Is it true? I prefer Petrova in this role.<br>2. - Have you seen the last paintings of this artist? They are shown (shown) in the main exhibition hall.<br>No, I've been very busy lately. But everyone praises this exhibition, and I want to see it.<br>"The exhibition is really worth a look. N. is considered a beautiful landscape painter. But some of his paintings are quite unusual. I suggest you watch his biography before you go to the exhibition. This will help you understand the artist.<br>3. Good morning, Mr. Smith. How did you spend your time (having fun) on Sunday?<br>Good morning, Mr. Ivanov. I had a wonderful evening last night. I finally managed to watch The Swan Lake. I'm delighted with the performance (I've been getting good for every minute).<br>"Would you like to go to the opera or the Puppet Theatre?" I can see what's going on tomorrow.<br>"No, thank you, I prefer ballet, especially Russian. It is praised all over the world, even in London I was looking forward to enjoying your ballet.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. You saw a new show in our theater, didn't you? Do you like him?<br>I think it's a good performance. In fact, I am familiar with the content, but( I like the whole show from the beginning to the end. The actors were well chosen and the main character was Nikolayev.<br>Really? I like the role of Petrov.<br>2. Have you seen the latest picture of the artist? These exhibitions are on display in the main exhibition hall.<br>-Not yet. I've been very busy recently. But everyone praised the exhibition. I want to see it.<br>-The exhibition is really worth seeing. H. a landscape painter( But some of his paintings are unusual. I suggest you look at his resume before you visit the exhibition. This will help you understand artists.<br>3. Good morning, Mr. Smith. How are you doing on Sunday?<br>-Good morning, Mr. Ivanov. I had a good night last night. I can finally see "Swan Lake") I'm excited about the play) I'm happy every minute.<br>Would you like to go to the opera house or puppet theater)( I can see tomorrow.<br>-No, thank you. I prefer ballet, especially in Russia. I'm looking forward to seeing your ballet.<br>
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