• В Индии вместо привычного рукопожатия индийцы встречают гостей тради перевод - • В Индии вместо привычного рукопожатия индийцы встречают гостей тради английский как сказать

• В Индии вместо привычного рукопож

• В Индии вместо привычного рукопожатия индийцы встречают гостей традиционным приветствием «намасте» (или «намаскар») - двумя прижатыми одна к другой на уровне груди ладонями. Это, однако, не исключает последующего рукопожатия.
При выборе подарка для индийского партнера необходимо избегать изделий из говяжьей кожи, так как корова в Индии является священным животным.
Во время общения индийцы нередко покачивают головой из стороны в сторону, что следует рассматривать как жест одобрения и удовлетворения, а не отрицания. Сидеть, положив ногу на ногу, во время беседы считается неуважительным по отношению к собеседнику.
• В Таиланде необходимо с уважением относиться к буддизму и его традициям. При входе в храм или дом тайцев следует снимать обувь на пороге. То же самое следует делать везде, где это делают сами тайцы.
Говорить о Короле и членах королевской семьи следует с почтением. Это глубоко уважаемые тайцами люди и любая пренебрежительная фраза или жест по отношению к ним воспринимаются как личное оскорбление.

• Хотя Турция и является светской страной, положения Корана соблюдаются в этой стране достаточно строго. В священный месяц Рамадан не рекомендуется употреблять в публичных местах какую-либо пищу или напитки, курить и жевать жевательную резинку. Вне туристических зон нежелательно носить шорты и майки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
• In India, instead of the usual handshake Indians welcome guests in the traditional greeting of "Namaste" (or "namaskar")-two pressed one to another on his chest with his hands. This, however, does not preclude the subsequent handshake. When choosing a gift for an Indian partner, it is necessary to avoid products made from bovine skin because the cow is a sacred animal in India.During intercourse the Indians often shaking his head from side to side, that should be seen as a gesture of approval and satisfaction, rather than denial. Sit, putting your foot on the foot during a conversation is considered disrespectful to the interlocutor.• In Thailand, you must be respectful of Buddhism and its traditions. When entering a temple or House of Thais should take off your shoes at the doorstep. The same thing should be done wherever Thais themselves are doing.Talk about the King and members of the Royal family should be honored. It is deeply dear Thais people and any prenebrežitel′naâ phrase or gesture towards them is perceived as a personal insult.• Although Turkey and a secular country, the provisions of the Koran were respected in this country strictly enough. During the holy month of Ramadan is not recommended for use in public places any food or beverages, smoke or chew gum. Outside of tourist areas is undesirable to wear shorts and t-shirts.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
• In India, the Indians instead of the usual handshake greeting guests traditional greeting "namaste" (or "Namaskar") - two-pressed to each other at chest level. This, however, does not exclude subsequent handshake.
When choosing a gift for the Indian partner to avoid products from beef skin, like a cow in India is a sacred animal.
During the communication Indians often shake their head from side to side, which should be seen as a gesture of approval and satisfaction, not denial. Sitting with his legs crossed, during a conversation is considered disrespectful to the other party.
• In Thailand, it is necessary to respect Buddhism and its traditions. At the entrance to the temple, or the house of Thais should take off their shoes at the threshold. The same should be done wherever it is done by the Thais.
Talking about the King and royal family members should be respectful. It is highly respected by Thais people and any dismissive phrase or gesture towards them are perceived as a personal insult. • Although Turkey is a secular country, the Koran respected in this country rather strictly. The holy month of Ramadan is not recommended for use in a public place any food or drink, smoke or chew gum. Outside the tourist areas is not desirable to wear shorts and t-shirts.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in india, instead of conventional handshake indians meet guests traditional greeting "намасте» (or" намаскар») - two crowded one to the other at the level of the chest, palms. this, however, does not preclude subsequent handshakes.when choosing a gift for the indian partner should avoid products from the side of the skin, like a cow in india is a sacred animal.during the communication, the indians often покачивают head from side to side, which should be seen as a gesture of approval and satisfaction, not denying it. sit with your legs, during the interview is considered disrespectful towards could be sent directly.- in thailand should be with respect to buddhism and its traditions. at the entrance to the temple or home thais should take off your shoes at the door. the same thing should be done whenever they are thais.talk about the king and members of the royal family to be with reverence. it is deeply honored тайцами people and any pejorative phrase or gesture towards them are perceived as a personal insult.although turkey is a secular country, the situation of this respect in this country is strictly. in the holy month of ramadan is not recommended to use in public places, any food or drink, smoke or chew gum. outside the tourist zones would not wear shorts and t-shirts.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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