Это были тяжёлые годы,когда всем людям приходилось выживать в ужасных  перевод - Это были тяжёлые годы,когда всем людям приходилось выживать в ужасных  английский как сказать

Это были тяжёлые годы,когда всем лю

Это были тяжёлые годы,когда всем людям приходилось выживать в ужасных условиях. Многие теряли своих семьи, огромное количество детей остались сиротами. Каждый третий белорус погиб на войне эти цифры ужасают ,но в тоже время заставляют задуматься об этой серьёзной катастрофе.
К счастью, моя бабушка родилась в 1950 году, через пять лет после окончания Второй Моровой войны,когда их семья уже успела восстановить все потери после войны и начать новую жизнь. Но я решила поговорить с ней о жизни её мамы,моей прабабушки, во время войны.
Моя прабабушка родилась в 1923 году и была самым младшим и 10 ребёнком в семье. Когда война началась ей было всего 17 лет. Они жили в деревне в большом и уютном доме, у них было фермерское хозяйство и дружелюбные соседи. Жизнь казалась самой настоящей сказкой. Но наступила война.
Так как они жили в Брестской области, их деревню немцы оккупировали уже в середине июля. Три старших брата ушли на фронт, а все остальные остались жить в деревне. Большую часть их дома немцы забрали под собственное жильё, вся большая семья вынуждена была жить в двух комнатах, а зимой перемещаться в подвал. Спать было не где и не на чем. Старшие браться моей прабабушки сбили доски между печкой и стеной и таких образом получилась многоярусная кровать на которой помещались все дети. Спали она по два-три человека на одной такой кровате. Так так уже осенью становилось холодно, а топить печь было не чем ,они утепляли кровати сеном.
Часто бывало так,что кушать было нечего и вся семья могла голодать несколько дней. Моя прабабушка понравилась одному молодому немецкому солдату,поэтому он стал помогать семье с пищей: приносить хлеб,сахар, иногда мясо, а главное-добывал им чистую воду. Мать моей прабабушки была отличной швеёй и поэтому за еду,мыло и теплую зимнюю одежду она шила всё : от рубашек до пальто.
Так им удалось выжить эти долгие четыре года. После того как красная армия начала освобождение Беларуси, дед и другие братья моей прабабушки пошли гнать немцев аж до Берлина и освобождать другие страны от оккупации.Они вернулись весной 1946. Жизнь после войны потихоньку налаживалась. Сперва было тяжело, но постепенно семья моей бабушки смогла восстановить все потери, понесённые за годы войны. Конечно же, жизнь уже не была прежней,но люди изо всех сил старались начать жить с чистого листа, мирно и счастливо.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
These were difficult years, when all the people had to survive in harsh conditions. Many have lost their families, a great number of children have been orphaned. Every third Belarusian perished in war, these figures are appalling, but at the same time make us think about this serious disaster. Fortunately, my grandmother was born in the year 1950, five years after the end of the second World War, when the family has already managed to recover all losses after the war and start a new life. But I decided to talk to her about the life of her mother, my great-grandmother, during the war.My great-grandmother was born in 1923, and was the youngest child in the family of 10 and. When war broke out she was only 17 years old. They lived in the village in a large and comfortable home, they had a farm and friendly neighbors. Life seemed a real fairy tale. But there was a war. Because they lived in the Brest region, the Germans occupied the village in mid-July. Three older brothers went to the front, and all the others still live in the village. Most of their houses were seized by the Germans under their own housing, the entire extended family was forced to live in two rooms, and moved into the basement. Sleep was no where and not on anything. The senior brothers of my great-grandmother brought down boards between the stove and the wall and thus turned the bed placed tiered all the children. She slept for two or three people on one of the TV repairman. So in the fall it became cold and heat the furnace was not what they uteplâli is sung. Often many had nothing to eat and the whole family can go on hunger strike for several days. My great-grandmother was a young German soldier, so he began to help the family with food: bringing bread, sugar, meat, and sometimes-mined them clean water. Mother of my great-grandmother was a professional seamstress and so for food, SOAP and warm winter clothes she sewed everything from shirts and coats. So they managed to survive these long four years. After the Red Army began the liberation of Belarus, the grandfather and my great-grandmother's brothers went to drive the Germans back to Berlin and to liberate the country from occupation. other they returned in the spring of 1946. Life after the war are slowly improving. At first it was hard, but gradually my grandmother's family was able to recover all the losses incurred during the war. Of course, life has not been the same, but people struggling to begin with a clean slate, peacefully and happily.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Those were difficult years, when all the people had to survive in appalling conditions. Many have lost their families, many children have been orphaned. Every third Belarusian died in the war, these figures are appalling, but at the same time make you think of this serious accident.
Fortunately, my grandmother was born in 1950, five years after the end of the war Morova when their family has managed to recover all losses after the war and start a new life. But I decided to talk to her about the life of her mother, my great-grandmother, during the war.
My great-grandmother was born in 1923 and was the youngest 10 and the child in the family. When the war started she was only 17 years old. They lived in the village in a large and comfortable house, they had a farm and friendly neighbors. Life seemed very real fairy tale. But came the war.
Since they lived in the Brest region, the Germans occupied their village in the middle of July. Three older brothers went to the front, and all the others remained in the village. Most of their houses were taken by the Germans own place, all a big family was forced to live in two rooms, a winter move to the basement. Sleeping was not where there is no standing. The elder brother of my great-grandmother brought down the board between the stove and the wall and the way these turned tiered bed on which places all children. She slept for two or three people on one such bed. So much so in autumn became cold and heat the stove was not what they insulate the bed of hay.
Often it happened that there was nothing to eat and the whole family could starve for several days. My grandmother loved one young German soldier, so he began to help the family with food, bring bread, sugar, meat occasionally, and most importantly, it was producing clean water. The mother of my great-grandmother was an excellent seamstress and therefore for food, soap and warm winter clothes she sewed everything from shirts to coats.
So they managed to survive these long four years. After the Red Army began the liberation of Belarus, grandfather and my great-grandmother other brothers went to drive right up to the Germans in Berlin and liberate others from back in the spring of 1946. okkupatsii.Oni Life after the war slowly improving. At first it was hard, but gradually my grandmother's family was able to recover all losses incurred during the war. Of course, life has not been the same, but people are struggling to start living with a clean slate, peacefully and happily.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
These were heavy years,when all the people had to survive in terrible conditions. Many lost their families, a large number of children have been orphaned. Every third name was killed in war these figures are appalling ,But, at the same time being forced to think of this serious accident.
Fortunately, my grandmother was born in 1950, five years after the end of the Second calf war,When their family already had barely been to restore all of the losses after the war and to begin a new life. But I decided to talk with her about the life of her mum,my grandmother however, in time of war.
My grandmother was born in 1923, and was the youngest and 10 a child in the family. When the war began it was only 17 years old. They had lived in the village in a large and cozy house, they had been farming and friendly neighbors.Life seemed the most present present. But it has now been a war.
because they lived in Brest, Germans invaded their village is already in mid-July. Three senior brother gone to the front,And all the rest were left to live in the village. A large part of their home Germans were picked up under their own housing, all the large family was forced to live in two rooms, and in winter move in the basement. Sleep was not where, and not on the.Senior embark on my grandmother however shot pan between washbasin and the wall and such interesting belfry was intended bed on which were posted all the children. She slept for two or three people in one such кровате.So the already in autumn became cold, and is poorly equipped with microwave was not than ,they утепляли beds sen.
Often happens so,that eat there was nothing and the whole family could starve a few days.My grandmother liked a young German soldier,therefore he became to help family with food: bring bread,sugar, sometimes meat, and the main-admits they clean water.Mother my grandmother however was excellent for and therefore the food,soap and warm winter clothes she sila all : from shirts to coat.
so they have been able to survive those long four years.After the red army launched the release Belarus, grandfather and my grandmother however other brothers went underfoot Germans arriving up to Berlin and to exempt other country from occupation.They returned in spring 1946.Life after the war time it discreetly. At first it was difficult, but gradually the family my grandmother was able to restore all of the losses incurred by years of war. Of course, life was not old,But the people are all forces have tried to begin to live with a clean sheet, peacefully and happily.
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