Томас...томас....томас..........не расстраивайся.....Я думаю, что лучш перевод - Томас...томас....томас..........не расстраивайся.....Я думаю, что лучш английский как сказать


Томас...томас....томас..........не расстраивайся.....Я думаю, что лучше потерять деньги чем здоровье)))))Это история про деньги.....но могло быть еще хуже...не расстраивайся пожалуйста!!!!!!! Ты искал молодую и красивую девушку а нашел опытную ведьму....Здесь можно встретить Леонародо ди Каприо...Том Крузом... Гретта Гарбо...Мерлин Монро)))..но реально это есть Мистер Бин Mr. Bean)))))))Томас...томас...томас...ты реально очень одинокий человек и ты устал быть одиноким....Томас...я не религиозный человек но я верю в Бога...и каждый человек знает что означает ПЛОХО и ХОРОШО.....Еще я тебе хочу сказать существует зависимость от интернета...человек начинает жить в мире который он создает сам.....я смотрела много профайлов мужчин...все пишут одинаково... они хотят любовь....честные отношения...любовь...любовь....но любовь нельзя купить!!!!!!!нельзя любить в интернете...в интернете можно только познакомиться как на улице...))))Ты мне очень нравишься...мне с тобой интересно..я чувствую себя защищенной....но томас...одинокие люди очень зависят от интернета...я тоже...но я стараюсь держать под контролем это!!!!это есть хорошо что ты общаешься с другими женщинами ( я так думаю реально) время покажет ...Томас..ты очень устал но ты мне написал письмо..спасибо..!!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Thomas of ... Thomas is. ... Thomas.......... do not get upset ... and. .. I think it's better to lose money than health))))) this is a story about money ... but it could be even worse ... Don't be upset please!!! You searched for a young and beautiful girl and found an experienced witch ... ... ... ... Here you can meet Leonardo DiCaprio to ... Tom Cruise To ... Gretta Garbo Of ... Merlin Monro).)). but really, this is Mr Bean Mr Bean))))))) Thomas of ... Thomas of ... Thomas of ... you're really a very lonely man and you're tired of being lonely ... ... ... ... Thomas of ... I am not a religious person but I do believe in God ... and everyone knows that means BAD and good ..... Yet I do want to say there is a dependence on the Internet ... the man begins to live in the world that he creates himself ... and. .. I watched a lot of profiles of men ... all write in the same way. ... they want to love .... honest relationship ... love ... love .... but you can't buy love!!!!!!! You cannot love the Internet ... You can only get on the Internet as in the street ...)))) I like you very much... I wonder with you. .. I feel secure ... more but Thomas of ... single people are very dependent on the Web ... I too ... but I try to keep under control this! It is good that you hang out with other women (I think so really) time will tell ... Thomas a. .. you're very tired but I wrote a letter. Thank you..!!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Thomas ... Thomas Thomas .......... .... do not worry ..... I think it's better to lose money than health))))) This is the story about the money ..... but it could be worse ... do not worry please !!!!!!! You were looking for a young and beautiful girl and found the witch trial .... Here you can meet by Leonardo DiCaprio ... Tom Cruise ... Gretta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe ...))) .. but really it is Mr. Bean Mr. Bean))))))) ... Thomas Thomas Thomas ... ... you're really a very lonely man, and you're tired of being lonely .... Thomas ... I'm not a religious person but I believe in God ... and everyone knows what is good and bad ..... I also want to tell you there is a dependence on the internet ... a man begins to live in a world which he creates himself ..... I watched a lot of profiles of men ... all write the same ... they want to love .... honest relationship ... love ... love .... but you can not buy love !!!!!!! can not love the Internet ... the Internet can only meet on street ...)))) I really like you ... I'm with you interesno..ya feel protected .... but Thomas ... lonely people are very dependent on the internet ... I do ... but I I try to control it !!!! it is good that you hang out with other women (I think actually) time will tell ... Tomas..ty very tired but you wrote to me pismo..spasibo .. !!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Thomas ... Thomas .... Thomas ....... not расстраиваися ..... I think that it is better to lose money than health)))))the story about money ..... but it could be even worse ... not расстраиваися please view profile | Leave impresainasion a shoutI was looking for a young and beautiful girl and found staging witch .... here you can meet Леонародо di Carpio ... that no longer ... Our make Гретта ... Merlin Monroe))) ..but actually it is a Mr Bin riassaggiare Beаn)))))))Томас ... Thomas ... Thomas ...You are really a very lone persons and you are tired to be single .... Thomas ... i am not a religious person but I believe in God ... and everyone knows that means poorly and well .....Yet I have to say there is a dependency on the internet ... to live in a world which he creates himself ..... i glared many files men ... all write equally ... they want to love .... honest relations ...Love ... love .... but love cannot be buy!!!!!!!cannot be love on the internet ... the internet you can only explore how on the street ... ))))i very like you ... i am with you interesting..i feel secure .... but Thomas ...Single people are very dependent on the internet ... i think ... but I try to keep under control the quoting or copying this is a well-that you dominion with other women ( i think so actually) time will tell ... Thomas..You are very tired but i wrote a letter..thank you..!!
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