1. Старый Смит заплатил все свои долги, кроме долга господину Грину. 2. Какие другие музеи, кроме Британского музея, вы посетили, когда были в Лондоне?
3. Кроме этого описания Африки, я советую вам прочитать книгу известного путешественника Стэнли. 4. Я видел все пьесы в этом театре, кроме последней. 5. Мне кажется, что все, что он написал, пользуется популярностью учитателей,кроме его первой книги. 6. Ваша работа почти готова, правда? 7.. Я чуть снова не сделал эту ошибку. 8. Ему почти 90 лет. 9. Ей около пятиде сяти лет. 10. Былопочти 12, когда мы ушли. 11. Они были здесь около пяти часов вечера.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. The old Smith paid all their debts except debt to Mr Green. 2. What other museums, in addition to the British Museum, you visited when you were in London?3. In addition, the description of Africa, I advise you to read a book by the famous traveler Stanley. 4. I have seen all the plays in this theatre, except the last. 5. It seems to me that everything he wrote is popular uchitatelej, except for his first book. 6. your job is almost done, right? 7 .. I almost made this mistake again. 8. It almost 90 years. 9. It is about pjatide sjati years. 10. Bylopochti 12, when we left. 11. They were here about five o'clock in the evening.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Old Smith had paid all your debts except the debt to Mr Green. 2. What are the other museums, in addition to the British Museum, you visited when you were in London?
3. In addition, the description of Africa, I suggest you read the book by the famous traveler Stanley. 4. I have seen all the plays in the theater, except the last. 5. It seems to me that everything he wrote is popular uchitateley but his first book. 6. Your work is almost ready, right? 7 .. I again just not made that mistake. 8. He is almost 90 years old. 9. She's about pyatide syati years. 10. Bylopochti 12 when we left. 11. They have been here about five o'clock in the evening.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. old smith paid all his debts, and debt, mr. greene. 2. what other museums, also visited the british museum, you once were in london?3. besides the description of africa, i advise you to read the book of stanley. 4. i saw all the plays in the theatre except the last. 5. i think that what he wrote popular учитателей, except for his first book. 6. your work is almost ready, isn't it? 7. i almost never made that mistake again. 8. he's almost 90 years. 9. it's about пятиде сяти years. 10. былопочти 12 when we left. 11. they were here about five o'clock.
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