Я обязательно тебя возьму в клан как место будет. Просто Ktur в двух кланах одновременно. Когда мы не воюем он переходит на неделю,а затем возвращается к нам.
I'm sure you'll take in the clan as a place to be. Just Ktur two clans at the same time. When we are not at war, it goes for a week, and then returned to us.
I'll definitely take you to the clan as a place to be. Just Ktur in two clans at once. When we're not at second, he goes for a week and then comes back to us.
I'll take you to a clan place. It's just that ktur is in two clans at the same time. When we don't fight, he wants a week and then comes back to us.<br>