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Результаты (корейский) 1: [копия]
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Результаты (корейский) 2:[копия]
(Example 2) MP3<br>(Example 2) MP3 Job Question 1. What is the main human resources management model? What is the dominant HRM model?<br>(Example 2) MP3 Job Question 2. Why? What key features can you highlight to prove your answer is correct? Why? What are the main s igos you can highlight to justify your answer?<br>ANS. From the film, I see this as an example of a personalized pattern in which supervisors and employees negotiate interpersonally according to their respective goals. The supervisor interviewed the employee, Aurelie, who wanted Aurelie to join the publishing job in addition to maintaining the job of being responsible for the original communication, because the employee already had the publishing skills and talent, and the supervisor invited the employee to join the management committee, who said he had the responsibility of the management team, the management position could not leave before 7 p.m. and had to do all the work to leave, and Aurelie believed that if he had left work later. If he leaves for a while at seven o'clock in the evening, the supervisor's response is to accept the employee's opinion, one of the characteristics of the personalized model here is that the working hours are flexible after communication, and the supervisor mentions that aurelie will get a raise if the new job is deployed, the scheme is: 260 fixed salary, traffic reaches a specified amount will get a change bonus of 20, Aurelie does not agree with the supervisor's plan to ask him to do two jobs with a salary. Supervisor reply because the company has budgetary constraints, more budget is not enough to invite a person, so we have to use the way to ask the current staff plus published work to carry out, each person has some conditions for their own work requirements, this employee he expected his salary total to be 300, the current director proposed the program is 280, which change bonus may also be not available, it is obvious that the supervisor and staff of this position pay period is very different, in human resources management, Disagreements over any differences in conditions are frequent, requiring communication, coordination and concessions between the two sides to be possible to reach a viable agreement, the second employee proposed that he accept the concession plan, he hoped that the supervisor's fixed salary and variable bonus each add 10 (i.e., fixed amount to 270 plus variable bonus 30), such a small change, the total amount can reach his ideal 300, he hopes that the supervisor will consider and before February 1 can get a reply, the new agreement needs to take effect from February 1. When the employee out of the office, the two supervisors themselves in the discussion, because supervisor A has guessed that the employee may be different from their salary target, so he said to supervisor B: This is what I said to you, if he asked you 300 what would you do? You give him 270, is already good enough, supervisor A think that the current web page since the traffic requirements have not been met, the staff finally proposed the program is a win-win way, because when the employee stakes 300 pay to achieve the original job goals (the original job has been set) The total number of visitors and the number of pages seen by potential customers on the company's website have increased to a certain number), so the supervisor finally agrees with the employee's expected salary, the change bonus will be measured according to the outcome of the work to measure whether or not, and the parties agree to take effect on February 1 all the new agreed terms.
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Результаты (корейский) 3:[копия]
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