- Сколько мы уже идем? – поинтересовалась женщина, опираясь спиной о б перевод - - Сколько мы уже идем? – поинтересовалась женщина, опираясь спиной о б английский как сказать

- Сколько мы уже идем? – поинтересо

- Сколько мы уже идем? – поинтересовалась женщина, опираясь спиной о близстоящий школьный автобус.

- Не меньше трёх часов, я уверен, - тихо прошептал мужчина, вытаскивая полную пачку сигарет.

- Черт, и за все это время мы не пристрелили ни одного мародера или караванщика. Такими темпами мы быстро скатимся ко дну и…

- Помолчи, - грубо прервал ее он. - Ты мешаешь мне думать.

Райан наблюдал за ними из тени, подмечая, насколько неладны их отношения. Вот она, новая человеческая природа, теперь некогда разумнейшие существа убивают друг друга только ради наживы. Нет, люди больше не хотят сотрудничать большими группами, чтобы выживать вместе. Ныне они сбиваются в парочки и рыщут по округам в поисках незадачливых путешественников, чтобы обобрать их до нитки и насадить их головы на острые колья. Человек находится посередине всей системы: он не может сбиться в одну стаю, как животные, но и не путешествует один, подобно мутанту. Люди не ударяются в крайности, пытаются балансировать, находятся, как говорится, между Сциллой и Харибдой.
Молодой человек не спешил, он ждал такого самого, лучшего момента. И он не заставил себя долго ждать: разругавшись на почве неудач, парочка разбилась, что стало их роковой ошибкой. Мужчина, махнув лишь рукой, направился в сторону, чтобы отдохнуть от своей спутницы, а та осталась ждать на том самом месте у автобуса. Райан последовал за мародером, тихо наступая на сухую землю, и вскоре они оказались там, где женщина не могла их увидеть. Мужчина затянулся, выпуская в ночной воздух клубы дыма и поднимая полностью покрытую шрамами голову вверх к нему. Парень аккуратно подобрал увесистый кирпич с земли, другой рукой хватая камешек помельче. Немного подумав, он запустил самый маленький в сторону мародеру и притаился.

- Кто? – удивленно повернулся мужчина, поднимая свой пыльный автомат. - Кто здесь?

Он, не сводя глаз с прицела, двинулся в сторону нарушившего его покой звука. Райан буквально материализовался сзади, вышел из кромешной тьмы, отрезая мародеру путь назад. Молодой человек размял пальцы, наблюдая за реакцией грязного бандита на шум. Громко вздохнув так, чтобы мародер его услышал за своей спиной и безумно испугался, он зажал ему рот и повалил на землю, заглядывая в темные, практически черные глаза. Мужчина дергался, пытался вырваться, взвыть, позвать на помощь, но никто не мог его услышать. Райан занес кирпич над его головой и, небрежно ухмыльнувшись, нанес первый сокрушительный удар, после чего яркая кровь усеяла его одежду. Еще один, а затем следующий, молодой человек бил, не переставая, наблюдая за тем, как лицо мародера превращается в одно сплошное месиво. Его череп хрустел и трескался, лица уже было не узнать. Но Райан продолжал бить, пока не услышал шаги впереди. Вытерев рукой кровь с лица, он присел в тени, чтобы остаться незамеченным.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
-How much we already go? -asked a woman leaning back on the school bus nearby. -No less than three hours, I am sure, the man whispered quietly, pulling out a full Pack of cigarettes. -Damn, and all this time we have not shot any looter or karavanŝika. At the pace we quickly migrate down to the bottom and ...-Hold, roughly cut her off it. -You're disturbing me thinking. Ryan watched from the shadows, when one sees how neladny their relationships. Here it is, the new human nature, now once razumnejšie beings kill each other just for the sake of profit. No, people no longer want to cooperate in large groups to survive together. Now they roost in couples and scouring the districts in search of hapless travelers to gather them to the thread and push their heads on sharp stakes. The man is in the middle of the entire system: he can't stay in one flock like animals, but not travel alone, like a mutant. People don't get hit in the extreme, trying to balance, are, as they say, between Scylla and Charybdis. The young man was in no hurry, he waited for this the best moment. And it is not long to wait: razrugavšis′ motivated by failure, the couple broke their fatal mistake. The man, waving a hand only went aside to rest from his companion, and waited at the same place at the bus stop. Ryan followed maroderom, quietly stepping on dry land, and soon they were where the woman could not see them. Man dragged on, letting in the night air and the rising smoke completely covered with scars head up to him. Guy gently picked up the heavy brick from Earth, with the other hand grabbing the Pebble story. A little thinking, he launched the maroderu side and crouched. -Who? -surprise turned man, picking up his dusty machine. -Who here? He's keeping an eye on the sight, moved toward its rest violating sound. Ryan literally materialized from behind, walked out of the pitch-black darkness, cutting off maroderu way back. A young man kneaded his fingers, watching the reaction of dirty thug noise. Loud sigh so Marauder heard it behind and insanely scared, he squeezed his mouth and pushed to the ground, peering into the dark, almost black eyes. A man twitching, tried to escape, howl, call for help, but nobody could hear it. Ryan has a brick above his head and careless uhmyl′nuvšis′, struck the first blow, then bright blood useâla his clothes. Another, and then the next, the young man beat, without ceasing, as the person becomes a looter one continuous Medley. His skull cracked and cracked face has already been not to know. But Ryan went on to beat until he heard steps ahead. Pat hand blood from his face, he squatted in the shade to go unnoticed.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- How much do we have to go? - I asked the woman, leaning back against the standing close by the school bus. - Not less than three hours, I'm sure - the man whispered, pulling a full pack of cigarettes. - Damn, and in all that time we have not shot any looter or caravan. At this rate, we will easily slip to the bottom and ... - Shut up, - rudely interrupted him. - You prevent me thinking. Ryan was watching them from the shadows, noticing how they are wrong relationship. Here it is, a new human nature, is now once sentient beings killing each other just for the sake of profit. No, people do not want to cooperate in large groups in order to survive together. Now they get off in a couple and scour the districts in search of hapless travelers to rob them to the bone and implant their heads on the sharp stakes. The man is in the middle of the whole system: it can not lose a single flock, like animals, but does not travel alone, like a mutant. People do not go to extremes, trying to balance, are, as they say, between Scylla and Charybdis. The young man was in no hurry, he was waiting for this very, better time. And he did not have to wait long: quarreled on the basis of failure, the couple broke up, that was their fatal mistake. The man, waving a hand toward the side to take a break from his companion, and she waited in the same place at the bus. Ryan followed marauder, quietly stepping on dry land, and soon they got to where she could not see them. The man inhaled, letting in the night air, and smoke rising completely scarred head up to him. Man gently picked up a heavy brick from the ground, one hand clutching a stone smaller. A little thought, he launched the smallest towards marauders and hiding. - Who? - Surprise turned to the man, raising his dusty machine. - Who is he, not taking his eyes from the sight, she moved towards his offending sound mind. Ryan just materialized from behind, he came out of the pitch darkness, cutting Marauder way back. Young man flexed his fingers, watching the reaction of dirty bandit noise. Sighing loudly, so that his Marauder heard behind her and terribly frightened, he shut his mouth and knocked to the ground, looking into the dark, almost black eyes. The man jerked, tried to escape, howl, yell for help, but no one could hear him. Ryan raised his brick above his head and casually grinning, struck the first crushing blow, then dotted with bright blood of his clothes. Another, and then the next, the young man beat, still, watching as the Marauder's face turns into one big mess. His skull crunched and cracked, the person has not been found. But Ryan went on to beat, until he heard the steps ahead. Wiping blood from his face by hand, he sat down in the shade to go unnoticed.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
- how long have we been going? - ask the woman leaning back on the близстоящий school bus.not less than three hours, i"m sure, quietly whispered a man pulling a full pack of cigarettes.- damn it, and for all that time, we didn"t shoot a prowler or караванщика. at this rate, we quickly rolled down and...- shut up, rudely interrupted her. - i"m thinking.ryan was watching them from the shadows, подмечая as неладны their relationship. this is a new human nature, now and разумнейшие beings kill each other just for profit. no, people don"t want to work in large groups to survive together. now they are in couples and prowl the districts in search of lowly travelers to dry them off, and put their heads on the sharp spikes. the man is in the middle of the entire system, he can"t be in one pack, like animals, but no one does, like a mutant. people don"t ударяются in extremes, trying to balance, are, as it were, between scyila and charybdis.a young man in a hurry, he waited a moment, the better. and he kept you waiting, разругавшись based on failures, a couple of broken, what became of them fatal mistake. a man, a sweep arm, turned towards the rest of his companion, and she was waiting at the same place on the bus. ryan followed the marauder, quietly through the dry land, and soon they were there, where a woman could not see them. the man standing in the night air, releasing clouds of smoke covered with scars and raising his head up to him. the boy carefully picked up a massive brick with the earth, the other hand, while a smaller. a little thinking, he launched the little in the way мародеру and outside.- who? - surprised turned the man, raising his dusty machine. - who"s there?he did not pay close attention to the target moved toward the breaching his quiet sound. ryan has materialized in the back, out of the dark, cutting off the мародеру way back. the young man stretched fingers, watching the reaction of a bandit in the noise. loud sighs so marauder heard him behind and very scared, he got up and knocked to the ground, looking in a dark, almost black eyes. a man tossed, tried to escape, взвыть, call for help, but no one could hear him. ryan put a brick on his head and casually ухмыльнувшись, struck the first blow struck, after which a blood усеяла his clothes. one more, and then the next, the young man hit, all the time, watching the face of prowler becomes one big mess. his head was still crispy трескался, people already was not to know. but ryan continued to hit, until i heard the steps ahead. clean hand cd
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