Я хотел бы посетить прекрасную страну Италия . Я мечтаю , чтобы идти по узким улицам Рима и насладиться красотой «вечного города».я мечтаю пойти в пиццерию и попробовать настоящую итальянскую пиццу .
Кроме того, я хотел бы посетить Колизей , Римский Форум . Я все же хотел бы посетить легендарный город Vinece . плавающей в гондоле по каналам , и посмотреть на венецианских arhitekturs . Следующий город, который я хотел бы посетить его в этом verona.verona город в северо - востоке Италии , который я узнал из истории Ромео и Juliet.i перечитать несколько раз, и это печальное произведение него каждый раз все больше и Чем больше я liked.imbued с духом Монтекки и kapuleti см. балкон, с которого Джульетта слушала пламенные речи Ромео , нет ничего красивее ! недавно выпустила фильм « Письма к Джульетте ». она занимает место в Вероне, городе находит письмо из тех, кто был inlove.a женщина оставила письмо " Джульетта" много лет назад, и решает выследить девушку ( теперь в возрасте женщина в годах) и ее Ромео . Я взял не столько сюжет, обмен захватили вид на город verona.so каждый город в Италии имеет свою функцию , поэтому если любое появился случай , я бы путешествовал по Италии , из Рима в горах Альп .
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I would like to visit the beautiful country of Italy. My dream is to go through the narrow streets of Rome and enjoy the beauty of the "Eternal City" .I dream to go to the pizza place and try a real Italian pizza.<br>In addition, I would like to visit the Colosseum, the Roman Forum. I would still like to visit the legendary city Vinece. floating in a gondola on the canals, and look at the Venetian arhitekturs. The next town, which I would like to visit it in this verona.verona city in the north - east of Italy, which I learned from the story of Romeo and Juliet.i re-read several times, and it's a sad product of it each time more and more I liked. imbued with the spirit of the Montagues and kapuleti see. balcony from which Juliet listened to fiery speeches Romeo, there's nothing more beautiful! recently released film "Letters to Juliet". it takes place in Verona, the city finds a letter from those who were inlove.a woman left the letter "Juliet" many years ago, and decides to track down the girl (now aged woman in years) and her Romeo. I took not so much plot,
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I would like to visit the beautiful country of Italy. I dream to walk through the narrow streets of Rome and enjoy the beauty of the "eternal city."<br>Also, I would like to visit the Colosseum, the Roman Forum. I would still like to visit the legendary city of Vinece. floating in the gondola through the canals, and look at the Venetian arhitekturs. The next city I would like to visit it in this verona.verona city in the north-east of Italy which I learned from the history of Romeo and Juliet.i reread several times and it is a sad work of it every time more and the more I liked.imbued with spirit Montague and kapuleti see. The balcony from which Juliet listened to Romeo's fiery speeches, there is nothing more beautiful! recently released the film Letters to Juliet. she takes a place in Verona, the city finds a letter from those who were inlove.a woman left the letter "Juliet" many years ago, and decides to track down the girl (now aged woman in years) and her Romeo . I took not so much the plot, sharing captured views of the city verona.so every city in Italy has its function, so if any case appeared, I would travel to Italy, from Rome to the Alps.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
I want to visit a beautiful Italian country. I dream of walking in the narrow streets of Rome and enjoying the beauty of the eternal city. I dream of going to a pizza shop and trying real Italian pizza.<br>In addition, I would like to visit corrissa, the Rome forum. I want to see the success of the legendary city. Floating on the gondola canal, look at the architekturs in Venice. Next city, I want to visit him in this Verona. Verona city in the northeast of Italy. I have learned several times from the history of Romeo and Juliet. This is a sad work. I like him more and more every time he grows up. This is a balcony. Juliet listens to Romeo's fire. Nothing is more beautiful than this! Recently, a film "letter to Juliet" was released. A woman left a letter from Juliet and decided to follow a girl (now a woman of her age) and her. Romeo. So if I had any chance, I would go to Italy, from Rome to the Alps.<br>
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