Алиса сказала, что Джон говорит с акцентом . Джейн хотела знать, где ее двоюродные братья были вчера .мама сказала ,что летом мы поедем в Грецию.Эндрю ответил, что ничего не знал о катастрофе.
Alice told me that John said with emphasis. Jane wanted to know where her cousins were yesterday. my mother told me that in the summer we go to Greece. Andrew replied that he knew nothing about the crash.
Alice said that John speaks with an accent. Jane wanted to know where her cousins were yesterday .mama said that in the summer we go to Gretsiyu.Endryu replied that he knew nothing about the crash.
alice said john speaks with an accent. jane wanted to know where her cousins were.мама yesterday said that in the summer, we go to the грецию.эндрю said, knew nothing about the accident.