должность: главный специалистОсновные обязанности:- осуществление мони перевод - должность: главный специалистОсновные обязанности:- осуществление мони английский как сказать

должность: главный специалистОсновн

должность: главный специалист
Основные обязанности:
- осуществление мониторинга реализации крупных инвестиционных проектов на территории Республики Тыва;
- формирование и реализация программы государственных гарантий Республики Тыва;
- представление прогнозных показателей объема инвестиций в основной капитал (за исключением бюджетных средств) от частных форм собственности, а также объема иностранных инвестиций, а также объема инвестиций в основной капитал из-за рубежа;
- подготовка аналитических, прогнозных, информационных и справочных материалов по вопросам инвестиционной политики Республики Тыва, социально-экономического развития Республики Тыва;
- обеспечение взаимодействия с международными и региональными организациями по вопросам инвестиционной политики, проведения выставок, презентаций, ярмарок, конференций, семинаров по вопросам инвестиционной политики;
- участие в реализации приоритетных направлений социально-экономического развития республики на основе индикативного планирования экономики Республики Тыва;
- осуществление мониторинга внешнеэкономической деятельности Республики Тыва;
- освещение деятельности отдела на сайте министерства.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
position: senior specialistMain responsibilities:-monitoring of the implementation of major investment projects in the territory of the Republic of Tuva;-creation and implementation of the programme of State guarantees of the Republic of Tuva;-presentation of predictive indicators of investment in fixed assets (excluding budgetary funds) of private ownership, as well as the amount of foreign investment as well as investment in capital from abroad;-preparation of analytical, forecasting, information and reference materials on investment policy of the Republic of Tuva, the socio-economic development of the Republic of Tuva;-cooperation with international and regional organizations on issues of investment policy, exhibitions, presentations, fairs, conferences, seminars on investment policies;-participation in realization of priority directions of social and economic development of the Republic on the basis of indicative economic planning of the Republic of Tuva;-monitoring of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Tuva;-coverage of the activities of the Division on the Ministry's website.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Position: Chief Specialist
Main responsibilities:
- to monitor the implementation of large investment projects on the territory of the Republic of Tuva,
- formation and implementation of the program of state guarantees of the Republic of Tuva;
- representation of the targets of the volume of investment in fixed assets (excluding the budget) on the privately owned, and as the volume of foreign investments as well as investments in fixed capital from abroad;
- preparation of analytical, forecasting, information and reference materials on the investment policy of the Republic of Tuva, the socio-economic development of the Republic of Tuva;
- ensuring cooperation with international and regional organizations investment policy, exhibitions, presentations, trade fairs, conferences and seminars on issues of investment policy;
- participation in the implementation of the priorities of socio-economic development based on the indicative planning of the economy of the Republic of Tuva,
- monitoring of foreign trade activities of the Republic of Tuva;
- coverage of the department on the ministry's website.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Post: the chief technician
the main responsibilities:
- the implementation of the monitoring of the implementation of the major investment projects in the territory of the Republic of Tyva;
- The formation and implementation of the program state guarantees Tyva Republic;
- Presentation of predictive indicators of investment in fixed capital (except for budgetary funds) from private forms of property rights, as well as foreign investment,As well as the volume of investment in fixed capital from abroad;
- preparation of analytical, forecast, information and reference materials on the investment policy of the Republic of Tyva,Socio-economic development of the Republic of Tyva;
- the interaction with international and regional organizations on investment policies, exhibitions, presentations, fairs,Conferences, seminars on investment policies;
- To participate in the implementation of the priority directions of social and economic development of the Republic of, based on an indicative planning economy of the Republic of Tyva;
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