Пищеваре́ние — механическая и химическая обработка пищи в желудочно-кишечном (пищеварительном) тракте — сложный процесс, при котором происходит переваривание пищи и её усвоение клетками.
Piŝevarénie-mechanical and chemical processing of food in the gastrointestinal (digestive) tract is a complex process in which digestion of food and its uptake by the cells.
Digestion - mechanical and chemical treatment of food in the GI (gastrointestinal) tract - a complex process in which the digestion and assimilation of its cells.
Пищеваре́ние - mechanical and chemical processing food in the intestines ( (nephron)) path is a complex process, which is for food and its learning cells.