Прошу вас проверить наименования продуктов в соответствии с вашей упаковкой. Я нашла много несоответствий и исправила их, опираясь на те сканы упаковки, которые вы скидывали. Прошу Вас проверить внимательно и внести коррективы, если это необходимо.
I ask you to check the product names in accordance with your packing.I found many inconsistencies and corrected them based on those scans packages which you threw off.I ask you to check carefully and make adjustments, if necessary.
I ask you to check the name of the products according to your package. I found a lot of discrepancies and fix them on the basis of those scans the package that you threw off. I ask you to check carefully and make adjustments if necessary.
please check the products in accordance with your packing. i found many inconsistencies and fix them on the basis of the scans packages you paged.please check carefully and make adjustments if necessary.