16. Она обвиняла миссис Копперфильд в том, что она забывает своего маленького сына ради нового знакомого,
17. Слова верной служанки не помешали миссис Копперфильд почти каждый вечер встречаться с мистером Мердстоном.
18. Миссис Копперфильд не возражала против того, чтобы Давид поехал с Пеготти в Ярмут.
19. Мальчик уехал туда, не зная, что его матушка собирается выйти замуж.
20. Хэм встретил их в Ярмуте, и они отправились в путь; Хэм нес Давида на спине.
25. Преодолев (to overcome) свою застенчивость, маленькая Эмили села рядом с Давидом.
26. Давид слышал, как завывает в море ветер, и думал о том, как приятно в такую погоду сидеть в теплой, уютной комнате.
27. Гуляя с маленькой Эмили по берегу моря (upon the beach), Давид часто рассказывал ей о своей матушке.
28. Не зная, что миссис Копперфильд вышла замуж, Давид возвращался домой полный радостных ожиданий.
30. Войдя в комнату, мальчик увидел, что подле его матушки сидит мистер Мердстон.
31. Оставшись один в своей комнатке, Давид разразился слезами.
32. Миссис Копперфильд избегала ласкать Давида в присутствии мужа, обвинявшего ее в том, что она балует ребенка.
33. Мистер Мердстон не был в состоянии понять свою жену, так как это был черствый и жестокий человек
35. Мистер Мердстон был чрезвычайно недоволен тем, что Пеготти называет его жену миссис Копперфильд.
36. Ему пришлось отказаться от мысли уволить Пеготти, так как миссис Копперфильд была к ней очень привязана.
37. Миссис Копперфильд жаловалась на то, что мисс Мердстон ведет хозяйство, не советуясь с ней. 38. Мистер Мердстон настаивал на том, чтобы его жена давала уроки Давиду в его присутствии.
39. Мальчику никогда не удавалось ответить хорошо уроки в присутствии отчима.
40. Мистер Мердстон старался заставить Давида хорошо учиться тем, что наказывал его.
41. Беседуя с мисс Бетси, мистер Мердстон отрицал, что с Давидом плохо обращались.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
16. She accused Mrs Copperfield that she forgets her young son for a new friend 17. the words faithful maids have not prevented Mrs Copperfield almost every evening to meet with Mr. Merdstonom. 18. Mrs Copperfield did not oppose to David rode with Pegotti in Yarmouth. 19. Boy went there not knowing what his mother is going to get married. 20. Ham met them in Great Yarmouth, and they hit the road; Ham ness of David on the back. 25. Breaking (to overcome) their shyness, little Emily village next to David. 26. David heard howling in the sea wind, and thought about how nice in this weather to sit in a warm, cozy room. 27. Walking with little Emily on the sea shore (upon the beach), David often told her about his mother. 28. Not knowing that Mrs Copperfield married David came home full of joyful expectation. 30. Upon entering the room, the boy saw his mother sitting beside Mr Merdston. 31. Left alone in his room, David burst out in tears. 32. Mrs. Copperfield avoided caress David in the presence of her husband, who prosecuted her, that she spoils the child. 33. Mr. Merdston was not able to understand his wife, as this was a callous and brutal man 35. Mr. Merdston was extremely dissatisfied with the fact that Pegotti calls his wife Mrs Copperfield. 36. He had to abandon the thought to dismiss Pegotti, as Mrs Copperfield was very tied to it. 37. Mrs. Copperfield complained that Miss Merdston leads economy, not asking her. 38. Mr Merdston insisted that his wife gave lessons to David in his presence. 39. Boy never managed to answer good lessons in presence of a stepfather. 40. Mr Merdston tried to get David good to learn that chastised him. 41. Conversing with Miss Betsy, Mr Merdston denied that with David mistreated.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
16. She accused Mrs. Copperfield that she forgets her little boy for a new friend,
17. Word faithful servant did not prevent Mrs. Copperfield almost every evening to meet with Mr. Merdstonom.
18. Mrs. Copperfield did not mind to go with David Pegotti in Yarmouth.
19. The boy went there, not knowing that his mother is going to marry.
20. Ham met them at Yarmouth, and they set out; Ham David carried on the back.
25. Overcoming (to overcome) his shyness, little Emily sat down next to David.
26. David heard the howling wind into the sea, and thought about how nice in this weather to sit in a warm, cozy room.
27. Taking a walk with little Emily along the seashore (upon the beach), David used to tell her about his mother.
28. Not knowing that Mrs. Copperfield married, David returned home full of joyful expectation.
30. Entering the room, the boy saw his mother sitting beside Mr. Merdston.
31. Alone in his room, David burst into tears.
32. Mrs. David Copperfield caress avoided in the presence of her husband accuses her that she spoils the child.
33. Mr. Merdston was not able to understand his wife, as it was callous and cruel man
35. Mr. Merdston was extremely unhappy that Pegotti calls his wife Mrs. Copperfield.
36. He had to abandon the idea to fire Pegotti as Mrs. Copperfield was very attached to her.
37. Mrs. Copperfield complained that Miss Merdston leading economy, without consulting her. 38. Mr. Merdston insisted that his wife gave lessons to David in his presence.
39. The boy had never been able to answer a good lesson in the presence of his stepfather.
40. Mr. Merdston tried to get David to study hard so that punished him.
41. Talking with Miss Betsy, Mr. Merdston denied that David had been mistreated.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
16. She blamed Mrs autobiography that she forgets her small son for a new buddy,
17. The words faithful maid has not prevented Mrs autobiography almost every evening to meet with Mr. Мердстоном.
18. Mrs autobiography had not objected to the fact that David went with Пеготти in Yarmouth.
19. The boy had left there, not knowing that his mother is going to marry.
20. Steerforth Ярмуте met them in, and they went in the way.Steerforth bears, David on the back.
25. After having overcome (to оverсоme) its coyness, small Emily village next to the David.
26. David heard, as завывает in the sea wind, and I thought about that, as well as pleasure in such weather to sit in a warm, cozy room.
27. When you are enjoying with a small Emily on sea (upon the beach), David often told it on its own.
28. Not knowing that Mrs autobiography was married, David, was returning home full cheerful expectations.
30. By entering the room,The boy saw that whithersoever his divinity is sitting mister Mr. Creakle's.
31. Leaps in its Tomakin, David erupted tears.
32. Mrs autobiography avoided amidst David in the presence of her husband, обвинявшего her in that,It pampers child.
33. Mister Mr. Creakle's was not in a position to understand his wife, as it was stale and brutal people
35. Mister Mr. Creakle's was extremely unsatisfied order,That Пеготти calls his wife Mrs autobiography.
36. It had had to abandon the thought dismiss Пеготти, as Mrs autobiography was very tied to it.
37. Mrs autobiography complained,That miss Mr. Creakle's leading economy, not cen with it. 38. Mister Mr. Creakle's insisted that his wife gave lessons David in his presence.
39.Boy has never been able to respond to well-learned in the presence of the participant badly injured.
40. Mister Mr. Creakle's tried to force David well in school that punished him.
41. Conjunction with miss Betsy, mister Mr. Creakle's denied,That David had been mistreated.
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