Все начинается в поезде. Молодая женщина, погруженная в свои мысли, уб перевод - Все начинается в поезде. Молодая женщина, погруженная в свои мысли, уб английский как сказать

Все начинается в поезде. Молодая же

Все начинается в поезде. Молодая женщина, погруженная в свои мысли, убаюкана мерным стуком колес. Молодой человек проходит мимо. Он влюбляется в ее духи, в ее шею, в ее ауру. Случай сводит их снова и снова. На протяжении всей ночи шлейф CHANEL № 5 приводит мужчину к купе незнакомки, но он не осмеливается постучать. Спинами они прислоняются к двери, разделяющей их, они ждут, они дышат в такт. В купе женщины мягко покачивается флакон духов, мерцающие блики золотой жидкости отражаются на ее лице. Несколько капель CHANEL № 5 – и ночь погружается в томную нежность. С наступлением рассвета их души уже пленены. Их будущее могло бы стать образом CHANEL № 5 – утонченное, чувственное, интимное.Они достигают конца пути. Она ищет его глазами, но тщетно. В городе, полном шума и запахов, они вновь теряют друг друга. Судьба любит играть людьми, но перед CHANEL № 5 устоять невозможно. Он находит ее именно в тот момент, когда она уже близка к отчаянию. Они встречаются в центре «мозаики» – это тонкий намек на страсть Коко Шанель к византийскому искусству. На экране как по волшебству появляется сияющий символ: переплетающиеся буквы «С» – логотип CHANEL. Время словно остановилось. Аромат № 5 соединил две судьбы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
It all starts in the train. A young woman, immersed in thought, ubaûkana thick thud of wheels. A young man passes by. He falls in love with her perfume, her neck, her aura. The case brings them back again and again. Throughout the night train CHANEL No. 5 leads man to the Coupe, the stranger, but he does not dare to knock. Spins they leaning against the door, separating them, they wait, they breathe in tact. In Coupe women gently sways perfume bottle, flickering glare of Golden liquid reflected on her face. A few drops of CHANEL No. 5-night immersed in volume. With the coming of dawn, their souls are already taken. Their future could be the way CHANEL No. 5-refined, sensual, intimate, they reach the end of the road. She searches through his eyes, but in vain. In a city full of noise and odors, they again lose each other. Fate loves to play people, but before the CHANEL No. 5 is impossible to resist. He finds her at a time when it already is close to despair. They meet in the Centre of the "mosaic" is a subtle hint at the passion for Coco Chanel to Byzantine art. On the screen appears as if by magic a shining symbol: interlocking "s"-CHANEL logo. Time seems to have stopped. Fragrance No. 5 combines the two fates.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It all starts in the train. Young woman lost in thought, lulled dimensional sound of wheels. A young man passes by. He falls in love with her perfume, her neck, her aura. The event brings them back for more. Throughout the night trail CHANEL № 5 leads a man to a compartment of a stranger, but he did not dare knock. The spin they lean against a door separating them, they're waiting, they breathe to the beat. In conjunction woman gently swinging a bottle of perfume, shimmering glare gold liquid reflected on her face. A few drops CHANEL № 5 - and the night immersed in the languid tenderness. With the coming of dawn, their souls have captive. Their future could be a way CHANEL № 5 - a sophisticated, sensual, intimnoe.Oni reach end of the road. She is looking for his eyes, but in vain. In a city full of noise and odors, they lose each other again. The fate of people like to play, but before CHANEL № 5 is impossible to resist. He finds her at the very moment when she was close to despair. They meet in the center of the "mosaic" - a subtle hint of passion Coco Chanel to Byzantine art. The screen appears as if by magic shining symbol: intertwined letters "C" - logo CHANEL. Time seems to have stopped. Aroma number five put together two destinies.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
it all begins in the train. a young woman, lost in his thoughts, убаюкана мерным knocking wheels. a young man pass by. he falls in love with her fragrance, her neck, her aura. accident makes them again and again.throughout the night a plume of chanel no. 5 leads man to compartment the stranger, but he did not dare to knock. they прислоняются backs to the door between them, they are waiting, they breathe in sync.in the compartment the woman gently rocking bottle of perfume, shimmering golden fluid reflected glare on her face. a few drops of chanel no. 5, the night is full of balmy softness. with the dawn of souls have already suffered.the future could become a chanel no. 5, sophisticated, sensual, интимное.они reaches the end of the road. she is looking for his eyes, but in vain. in the city, full of noise and smells, they once again lose each other.fate loves to play people, but to the chanel no. 5, it is impossible to resist. he finds her at a time when it is already close to despair.they meet in the middle "мозаики» is a subtle hint of passion coco chanel comes art. on the screen to magically appear shiny symbol: jumbled letters "c" - logo chanel.the time seems stopped. the no. 5 has two fates.
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