Родилась Агния 4 февраля 1906 года в Москве в семье врача. Начальное о перевод - Родилась Агния 4 февраля 1906 года в Москве в семье врача. Начальное о английский как сказать

Родилась Агния 4 февраля 1906 года

Родилась Агния 4 февраля 1906 года в Москве в семье врача. Начальное образование в биографии Агнии Барто было получено дома. Затем она поступила учиться в гимназию, а также посещала хореографическое училище. Примерно тогда же были написаны ее первые стихи.

Первым мужем в биографии Агнии Львовны Барто был Павел Барто, от которого она родила сына Гарика. Вторым супругом стал Андрей Щегляев, в замужестве с которым у Агнии родилась дочь – Татьяна.

Впервые стихи Агнии Барто были напечатаны в 1925 году. В основном все стихотворения поэтессы предназначались детям. Барто верила, что своими произведениями поможет воспитать честных, высококультурных, патриотических граждан. Следующими вышедшими сборниками стихов в биографии Барто были: «Братишки» в 1928 году, «Мальчик наоборот» в 1934. Через два года появились «Игрушки», а затем «Снегирь» (1939). С приходом Великой Отечественной войны поэтесса изменила тематику своих произведений, писала военные стихотворения. Когда же война была окончена, Агния путешествовала (была в Болгарии, Англии, Японии).

Вслед за очередными сборниками «Первоклассница», «Веселые стихи» в биографии Агнии Барто было написано несколько киносценариев («Подкидыш» в 1939, «Слон и верёвочка» в 1945). Также среди произведений Барто: книги «Найти человека»
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Agniya was born February 4, 1906 year in Moscow at the family doctor. Primary education in the biography of Agnes Barto was received at home. Then she went to study at the gymnasium, as well as attended Ballet School. At about the same time her first poems were written.The first husband in the biography of Agnes Lvovna Barto was Pavel Barto, from whom she had a son Garik. The second spouse was Andrey Ŝeglâev, with whom Agnes daughter-Tatiana.First poems Agnii Barto were printed in 1925 year. Basically all the poems poet intended for children. Barto believed that his works will help bring up honest, highly cultured, patriotic citizens. The following retirees collectors verses in Barto biography were "Brothers" in the year 1928, "boy on the contrary" in 1934. After two years of "Toys" and then "Bullfinch" (1939). With the advent of the great patriotic war poet has changed the theme of his works, wrote military poems. When the war was over, Agniya traveled (in Bulgaria, England, Japan).Following the regular collectors "Teenagers", "Funny Poems» Agnii Barto biography was written several screenplays (" Foundling "in 1939," the elephant and verëvočka "in 1945). Also among the works of Barto: books "find a person"
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Agnes was born on 4 February 1906 in Moscow into a family physician. Primary education in the biography of Agnes Barto were received at home. Then she went to study at the school, as well as visited School of Choreography. Around the same time it was written her first poems. The first biography of her husband in Agnes Barto Barto Barto was Paul, from whom she had a son Garik. The second was Andrew Scheglyaev spouse in a marriage with whom Agnes had a daughter - Tatiana. The first verse Agnes Barto were printed in 1925. Basically, all the poems of the poet intended for children. Barto believed that their works will help educate the honest, highly cultured, patriotic citizens. The next published collection of poems in the biography of Barto were "Bratishki" in 1928, "The Boy in reverse" in 1934. Two years later came "Toys" and then "Bullfinch" (1939). With the advent of World War II changed the theme of the poet of his works, wrote war poems. When the war was over, Agnes traveled (were in Bulgaria, England, Japan). Following the next collection "grader", "Funny Poems" in the biography of Agnes Barto wrote several screenplays ("The Foundling" in 1939, "The Elephant and the rope" 1945). Also among the works of Barto: the book "Find a Person"

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
агния was born february 4, 1906 in moscow in a doctor's family. primary education in the агнии barto was received at home. then she went to study in high school, and attended dance school.around the same time had written her first poem.

first husband's biography агнии львовны barto was paul barto, from whom she gave birth to a son гарика. the second husband was andrew щегляев,in the marriage with whom агнии born daughter, tatiana.

first poems агнии barto were printed in 1925. most of the poem the poet intended for children. barto believedthat their works will help raise the honest, высококультурных, patriotic citizens. the poems of the toolkits by barto was: "братишки» in 1928," the vice versa in 1934.two years later, came the "play", and then "снегирь» (1939). with the advent of the great patriotic war poet changed the subject of his works of art, wrote the poem. when the war was over.агния traveled (in bulgaria, england, japan).

after ordinary toolkits "первоклассница»". see the агнии barto was written a few киносценариев ("подкидыш» in 1939."the elephant and верёвочка» in 1945). among the works of barto, book "to find"
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