The famous British writer Joanne K.Rowling is the author of the Harry  перевод - The famous British writer Joanne K.Rowling is the author of the Harry  английский как сказать

The famous British writer Joanne K.

The famous British writer Joanne K.Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books. When she was a small girl,she lived in Winterbourne. It is a large village in the south of England. It is not far from the city of Bristol. She went to St Michael's Primary school until she was nine years old. Potter's surname originated from some of her friends in the village.
There is a museum of Ilya Repin,the fomous Russia artist,in Pensty not far from st Petersburg. Repin lived there and for 30 years created his famous pictures.there are many portraits of his friends in museum.they were all talented writes,poets,artists,scientists: maxim gorkiy,Korney chukovskiy,sergey esenin,ivan Pavlov ond others.
The famous Russian musician Sergey Rachmaninoff lived in a place called ivanovka for 23 is not far from tambov. He created his most famous works of music there. Now ivanovka is a well-known museum of Rachmaninoff.every summer famous musicians and singers come to ivanovka to take part in classical music concerts.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The famous British writer Joanne k. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books. When she was a small girl, she lived in Winterbourne. It is a large village in the south of England. It is not far from the city of Bristol. She went to St Michael's Primary school until she was nine years old. Potter's surname originated from some of her friends in the village. There is a museum of Ilya Repin, the fomous Russia artist, in Pensty not far from st Petersburg. Repin lived there and for 30 years created his famous pictures. there are many portraits of his friends in museum. they were all talented writes, poets, artists, scientists: maxim gorkiy, Korney chukovskiy, sergey esenin, ivan Pavlov ond others. The famous Russian musician Sergey Rachmaninoff lived in a place called ivanovka for 23 is not far from tambov. He created his most famous works of music there. Now ivanovka is a well-known museum of Rachmaninoff. every summer, famous musicians and singers come to ivanovka to take part in classical music concerts.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The famous British writer Joanne K.Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books. When she was a small girl, she lived in Winterbourne. It is a large village in the south of England. It is not far from the city of Bristol. She went to St Michael's Primary school until she was nine years old. Surname originated's a Potter from some of HER friends in the village are.
There is a museum The Ilya Repin of, the artist fomous Russia, in Pensty not far the from st Petersburg. Repin lived there and for 30 Created a His famous years pictures.there are MANY portraits of a His friends in museum.they Were all talented writes, the poets, artists, Scientists: maxim gorkiy, Korney chukovskiy, sergey esenin, ivan Pavlov ond: others.
Of The famous Russian musician Sergey Rachmaninoff lived in a place called ivanovka for 23 is not far from tambov. He created his most famous works of music there. Now ivanovka is a well-known museum of Rachmaninoff.every summer famous musicians and singers come to ivanovka to take part in classical music concerts.
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