Мне приходилось работать с людьми заурядным, которые не могли справиться с проблемой даже если ответ был у них под носом. (это не так сложно как кажется, вам надо только нажимать на нужные кнопки, чтобы загрузить данные в компьютер. Не волнуйтесь, Вы скоро наловчитесь, сказал мой новый шеф улыбаясь. Я был В ужасе, передо мной были десятки кнопок с не известными словами. Я знаю, что Я не гениален, Но В ТОТ момент Мне казалось, что он меня попросту дурачит. Я не мог понять значения клавиш, не говоря уж об Их комбинации. Но Выбора у меня особо не было, И Я решил попробовать 3. Его поведение отдавало трусостью. Он мог бы просто во всем признаться. Я был так в3винчен, что даже подумывал О ТОМ, чтобы противостоять ему. 4 Я вполне уверен, Что если все И дальше будет идти по Плану, нам удастся захватить рынок. Наше литературное агентство основано всего год назад, a у нас уже больше многообещающих И плодовитыых молодых авторов, чем В Любом другом агентстве В стране. Хотелось бы только, чтобы наших инвесторов эта идея также прельщала, как И меня, но я с ними поговорю. Им пора кое-что усвоить! 5. Это был очень привлекательный, НО совершенно невыпол- нимыый план, Он требовал очень много поправок. A вопрос О по бочныых продуктах представлял большие трудности. 6 Ты называешь это жаждой творчества? да я В жизни не читала более сентиментального и глупого рассказа. Редакторы его ни за что не примут. 7 Как работает эта программа? Цифры загружаются в компьютер, который потом прогнозирует вероятный доход. Это попахивает мошенничеством. Ничего подобного! Это просто современная технология. Мистер Болен не мог понять, как гениален был проект Ната Поэтому Сначала он просто хотел ему угодить и не собирался откр литературное агентство. Но, поразмыслив над тем, чтобы cамому стать плодовитым писателем, пришел в восторг От этой идеи.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I had to work with ordinary people who could not cope with even if the answer was under their noses. (this is not as difficult as it seems, you only need to press the right buttons to download data to a computer. Don't worry, you'll soon nalovčites′ said my new chef smiling. I was terrified in front of me were dozens of buttons with no known words. I know that I'm not a genius, but at that moment it seemed to me that he simply kidding. I couldn't understand key values not to mention Their combination. But I have no Choice, and I decided to try 3. His behavior gave cowardice. He could have just around to admit. I was so v3vinčen, that even flirted with the idea to confront him. 4 I'm pretty sure if all continues to go as planned, we will be able to grab the market. Our literary agency founded just a year ago, we have a more promising and plodovityyh young authors than any other agency in the country. I would like only to our investors also were attracted to this idea, like me, but I will talk with them. It is time for them to learn something! 5. It was very attractive, but completely failure-nimyyj plan, he demanded a lot of amendments. A question about bočnyyh products represented great difficulties. 6 you call this thirst for creativity? Yes I did read more sentimental and silly story. His editors never will. 7 How does this program work? Figures are downloaded into a computer, which then predicts the likely income. This smacks of cheating. Nothing of the sort! It's just modern technology. Mister Sick could not understand how genius was NAT's project So at first he just wanted to please him and did not intend to open a literary agency. But, I thought to camomu to become a prolific writer, came to the delight of this idea.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I had to work with people of mediocre, which could not cope with the problem, even if the answer was right under their noses. (It's not as difficult as it seems, you only need to press the right buttons to load the data into the computer. Do not worry, you will soon get the hand, said my new boss smiling. I was terrified in front of me were dozens of buttons with no known words. I know that I'm not a genius, but at that moment I thought he was just fooling me. I could not understand the values of the keys, not to mention their combination. But the choice I especially was not, and I decided to try 3. His behavior smacked of cowardice. He could just confess everything. I was so v3vinchen that even thinking about how to resist it. 4 I'm pretty sure that if everything will continue to go according to plan, we will be able to capture the market. Our literary agency founded just one year ago, we have a more than promising young authors and plodovityyh than any other agency in the country. I would like just to our investors also relish the idea as me, but I'll talk to them. They is time koe that absorb! 5. It was very attractive, but it nevypol- Nima plan, He demanded a lot of amendments. A question on the About bochnyyh product poses great difficulties. 6 You call that thirst for creativity? but I've never read a more sentimental and stupid story. Editors it would not be accepted. 7 How does the program work? The numbers are loaded into a computer, which then predicts the likely return. It smacks of fraud. Nothing like this! It's just modern technology. Mr. Bohlen could not understand how a genius was Nat draft Therefore first he just wanted to please him and not going to open a literary agency. But reflect on camomu to become a prolific writer, he was delighted by the idea.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i had to work with the people of who could not cope with the challenge, even if the answer was right under their noses. (it is not so difficult as it seems, you only need to click on the button to load the data into the computer. don"t worry, you"ll soon наловчитесь, said my new boss smiling. i was terrified in front of me were dozens of buttons with known words. i know that i am not a genius, but at that moment i thought he was just toying with me. i could not understand the values of keys, not to mention their combination. but i didn"t really have a choice, and i decided to try 3. his behavior gave cowardice. he could just to confess. i was so в3винчен that even thinking about how to confront him. 4 i am quite sure that if it continues to go according to plan, we will be able to seize the market. our literary agency founded only a year ago, we already have more promising and плодовитыых young authors than any other agency in the country. i just wish our investors, this idea also want to like me, but i"ll talk to them. they have something to learn. 5. it was very attractive, but it is невыпол - нимыый plan, he demanded a lot of changes. a question on the бочныых products represented the greatest difficulties. 6 you call this thirst for creativity? i have never read a more of a sentimental and silly story. the editors it never will. 7 how to run this program? the numbers are loaded into the computer, which then predicts the possible income. this kind of fraud. it"s nothing like that. this is just a modern technology. mr. sick couldn"t understand how brilliant was the draft nate however at first, he just wanted to please him and wasn"t op. literary agency. but, so in order to cамому become a prolific writer, came to the joy of this idea.
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