1. Честно говоря, мне не нравится твой стиль общения.2. Я унижен, но не сломлен. 3. Мы заинтересованы в вашем проекте. 4. Ты смотришь на меня, словно пытаешься поймать меня на лжи, но я говорю правду. 5. Судя по вашему виду, вы смущены. 6. Я наблюдал за звездами, сияющими на небе, и думал о смысле жизни. 7. Хотя и приглашенный на вечеринку, он чувствовал себя аутсайдером. 8. Она шла домой, разговраивая по телефону о чем-то очень неприятном. 9. Просмотрев документы, босс выключил компьютер и пошел домой. Он был подавлен. 10. Когда меня спросили, я рассказала, что видела на месте преступления. 11. Я видел, как вы играили со своими детьми в парке. 12. Будучи человеком слова, он никогда не подводит людей. 13. Привлеченная каким-то голосом внизу, Элиза пошла посмотреть, что происходит. 14. Если даже меня пригласят на встречу, я вежливо откажусь. 15. Хотя и шокированный ее поступком, он все-таки пытался понять ее мотивы. 16. Я всегда делаю уроки, слушая музыку. 17. Честно говоря, я бы вас нанял так как вы станете прекрасным членом моей команды. 18. Сказанные слова не могут быть забыты и вычеркнуты из памяти, но они могут быть поняты. 19. Вы устали? 20. Я восхищен вашим талантом. 21. Увидев кровь на ковре, она закричала. 22. Поговорив с полицейсикими, я понял, что являюсь единственным свидетелем, и мне было страшно. 23. Когда просят помолчать, помолчи. Молчание - золото, как говорят. 25. Сопровождаемый сестрой, он появился на этом роскошном балу. 26. Словно раздираемый угрызениями совести, он вел себя очень странно и постоянно думал о чем-то. 27. Так как она принадлежит к сливкам общества, она может позволить себе любой каприз. 28. Побывав в Испании, он вернулся в родные края с любовью в сердце к прекрасной, страстной стране. 29. Я озадачен вашим вопросом. 30. Медленно повернушвшись, он произнес те самые жуткие слова, которые все ожидали, но в то же врем я боялись услышать.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. To be honest, I don't like your style of communication. 2. I am humbled, but not broken. 3. We are interested in your project. 4. you look at me, as if trying to catch me in a lie, but I speak the truth. 5. based on your mind, you are confused. 6. I've been watching the stars shining in the sky, and thought about the meaning of life. 7. While visiting at the party, he felt like an outsider. 8. She was walking home, razgovraivaâ by telephone about something very unpleasant. 9. Reviewing the documents, the boss turned off the computer and went home. He was depressed. 10. When I was asked, I said that she had seen at the crime scene. 11. I saw you igraili with your children in the Park. 12. Being a man of words, he never brings the people. 13. Attracted some voice at the bottom, Elisa went to see what was going on. 14. Even if I will be invited to the meeting, I politely decline. 15. Although the Act shocked, he still tried to understand her motives. 16. I always do lessons, listening to music. 17. To be honest, I would have hired you because you will become a member of my team. 18. the spoken word can not be forgotten and erased from memory, but they can be understood. 19. Are you tired? 20. I admire your talent. 21. After seeing blood on the carpet, she screamed. 22. After talking with policejsikimi, I realized that I am the only witness, and I was scared. 23. When asked to keep quiet, be quiet. Silence is gold, as saying. 25. Accompanied by her sister, he appeared at the ball. 26. As if riven by remorse, he behaved very strangely and constantly thinking about something. 27. Since it belongs to the cream of society, it can afford to any whim. 28. In Spain, he returned to the native land with love in your heart to the beautiful, passionate country. 29. I am puzzled by your question. 30. povernušvšis′ Slowly, he uttered those horrible words that everyone expected, but at the same time I'm afraid to hear.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Honestly, I do not like your style obscheniya.2. I am humbled, but not broken. 3. We are interested in your project. 4. You look at me as if trying to catch me in a lie, but I'm telling the truth. 5. Based on your mind, you are confused. 6. I have been watching the stars shining in the sky, and thought about the meaning of life. 7. Although invited to the party, he felt like an outsider. 8. She was walking home razgovraivaya by phone about something very unpleasant. 9. After reviewing the documents, the boss turned off the computer and went home. He was depressed. 10. When I was asked, I said that she saw at the crime scene. 11. I saw you play with your kids in the park. 12. Being a man of his word, he never fails people. 13. Attracted by some voice down, Eliza went to see what was happening. 14. Even if I am invited to a meeting, I politely refuse. 15. Although shocked by her actions, he still tried to understand her motives. 16. I always do my homework, listening to music. 17. Frankly, I would have hired you because you will be a great member of my team. 18. Spoken words can not be forgotten and erased from memory, but they can be understood. 19. Are you tired? 20. I admire your talent. 21. When he saw the blood on the carpet, she cried. 22. After talking with politseysikimi, I realized that I was the only witness, and I was scared. 23. When asked to shut up, shut up. Silence - gold, as they say. 25. Accompanied by his sister, he appeared at this luxurious ball. 26. As if torn by remorse, he behaved very strangely and was always thinking about something. 27. Since it belongs to the cream of society, it can afford every whim. 28. Having been in Spain, he returned to his native land with love in your heart to the beautiful, passionate country. 29. I am puzzled by your question. 30. Slowly povernushvshis, he said, those most terrible words that everyone expected, but at the same time I was afraid to hear.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. Frankly speaking, I don't like your style общения.2. I manipulated, but not really horrifying. 3. We are interested in your project. 4. Do you like watching at me as though you're to catch me on lies, but I tell the truth. 5. Judging by your mind,You are confused. 6. I have followed the stars, starry night in the sky, and thought about the meaning of life. 7. Although and visiting to the party, he felt impressed. 8. She was home, разговраивая on the phone than the very such repression. 9.By reviewing documents, boss has turned off the computer and went home. It has been suppressed. 10. When I was asked, I am told, that she had seen at the scene of the crime. 11. I have seen, as you играили with their children in the park. 12.A man words, he has never failed. 13. Contracted by the votes at the bottom, Elise went and see what happens. 14. Even if I was invited to a meeting, I politely would abandon. 15.Although шокированныи its misconduct, he still tried to understand its motivation. 16. I always place my lessons, you're listening to your music. 17. Frankly speaking, I would like to ask you hired as you'll be an excellent member of my team. 18.Spoken Words cannot be forgotten and struck from memory, but they can be understood. 19. Are you tired? 20. I admire your talent. 21. Seeing blood on the carpet, she live. 22. After having spoken with полицеисикими, I realizedThat I am the only witness, and I was scared. 23. When you are asked remain mum, помолчи. Silence is gold, as they say. 25. Accompanied by his sister, he did not appear in this luxurious Balu. 26.If crucifying us guilty conscience, he behaved in a very strange and constantly thought of something. 27. As it is owned by the society, it can afford to any hair. 28. Traveling in Spain,He returned to the home the edge of the with love in the heart of the beautiful, good country. 29. I intrigued your question. 30. Slowly повернушвшись, he said those words the most heinous, all of which had been expected,But at the same time I am afraid to hear.
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