Семнадцатилетний Холден Колфилд, находящийся в санатории, вспоминает « перевод - Семнадцатилетний Холден Колфилд, находящийся в санатории, вспоминает « английский как сказать

Семнадцатилетний Холден Колфилд, на

Семнадцатилетний Холден Колфилд, находящийся в санатории, вспоминает «сумасшедшую историю, которая случилась прошлым Рождеством», после чего он «чуть не отдал концы», долго болел, а теперь вот проходит курс лечения и вскоре надеется вернуться домой.
Его воспоминания начинаются с того самого дня, когда он ушёл из Пэнси, закрытой средней школы в Эгерстауне, штат Пенсильвания. Собственно ушёл он не по своей воле — его отчислили за академическую неуспеваемость — из девяти предметов в ту четверть он завалил пять. Положение осложняется тем, что Пэнси — не первая школа, которую оставляет юный герой. До этого он уже бросил Элктон-хилл, поскольку, по его убеждению, «там была одна сплошная липа». Впрочем, ощущение того, что вокруг него «липа» — фальшь, притворство и показуха, — не отпускает Колфилда на протяжении всего романа. И взрослые, и сверстники, с которыми он встречается, вызывают в нем раздражение, но и одному ему оставаться невмоготу.
Последний день в школе изобилует конфликтами. Он возвращается в Пэнси из Нью-Йорка, куда ездил в качестве капитана фехтовальной команды на матч, который не состоялся по его вине — он забыл в вагоне метро спортивное снаряжение. Сосед по комнате Стрэдлейтер просит его написать за него сочинение — описать дом или комнату, но Колфилд, любящий делать все по-своему, повествует о бейсбольной перчатке своего покойного брата Алли, который исписал её стихами и читал их во время матчей. Стрэдлейтер, прочитав текст, обижается на отклонившегося от темы автора, заявляя, что тот подложил ему свинью, но и Колфилд, огорчённый тем, что Стрэдлейтер ходил на свидание с девушкой, которая нравилась и ему самому, не остаётся в долгу. Дело кончается потасовкой и разбитым носом Колфилда.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Seventeen-year-old Holden Caulfield, located in sanatoria, remembers "crazy story that happened last Christmas, after which he nearly gave up the ends, long ill, and now is undergoing treatment and hopes to return home soon.His memories begin with the day when he dropped out of high school, Pènsi in Ègerstaune, Pennsylvania. Actually left it not by choice — it expelled for academic failure — of the nine items in the quarter he flunked five. The situation is complicated by the fact that Pènsi is not the first school, which leaves the young hero. Before this he has already tossed Elkton Hill because, in his opinion, "there was one solid Linden. However, the feeling of being around him, "Linden"-false pretense and grandstanding — keeps Caulfield throughout the novel. Adults and peers, with whom he meets, it cause irritation, but one it unbearable.Last day of school is rife with conflict. He returned to Pènsi from New York, where traveled as the captain of the fencing team for the match, which was not his fault he forgot in the subway car sports equipment. Roommate Strèdlejter asks him to write an essay for him is to describe the House or room, but Caulfield, loving to do things our own way, tells the story of a baseball glove his late brother Allie, who ispisal her poems and read them during matches. Strèdlejter, reading the text, upset otklonivšegosâ from the theme author, stating that he placed him a pig, but Caulfield, ogorčënnyj that Strèdlejter went on a date with a girl who liked and it does not remain in debt. The deal ends a fight and broken nose Caulfield.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Seventeen year old Holden Caulfield, who is in a sanatorium, recalls the "crazy story that happened last Christmas," after which he "just did not give tips," for a long time sick, and now undergoing treatment and soon hopes to return home.
His recollections begin with the most the day when he left Pansy closed Egerstaune High School in Pennsylvania. Actually, he went against his will - he was expelled for academic failure - of the nine subjects in the quarter, he flunked five. The situation is complicated by the fact that Pansy - not the first school, which leaves the young hero. Before that, he had already thrown Elkton Hill, because, in his opinion, "there was one big lime tree." However, the feeling of being around him, "lime" - hypocrisy, pretense and show-off - do not let Caulfield throughout the novel. Both adults and peers, with whom he found to cause him annoyance, but one to be too much for him.
The last day of school is replete with conflicts. He returns to Pansy from New York, where he went as captain of the fencing team for the match, which was not held due to his fault - he had forgotten in the subway car racing equipment. Stradlater roommate asks him to write a work for him - to describe a house or a room, but Caulfield, fond of doing things his own way, tells the story of a baseball glove his late brother Allie, who scribbled her poems and read them during matches. Stradlater reading text resents digress author, claiming that he planted his pig, but Caulfield, upset that Stradlater went on a date with a girl who liked her and himself, does not remain in debt. The case ends with a brawl and a broken nose Caulfield.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
seventeen holden caulfield, the sanatorium, and "crazy story that happened last рождеством», after which he" almost gave концы», had been ill for a long time.and now in treatment and soon hopes to return home. his memory starts from the day when he left the пэнси, boarding secondary school in эгерстауне, pennsylvania.actually left it willingly - he was academic underachievement of the nine items in the quarter, he took five. the situation is complicated by the fact that пэнси - not the first schoolthat leaves the young hero. prior to this, he has already quit elkton hills, since, in his view, "there was a липа». however, the sensation of being around him "липа» is fake, fake and bogus,- don't let go of caulfield throughout the novel. adults and peers with whom he meets, is it the irritation, but one must keep him.
last day at school is full of conflict.he returned to the пэнси from new york, which was as captain of fencing team in the match, which was not his fault he forgot in the subway car sports equipment.roommate стрэдлейтер asks him to write for the paper is to describe a house or a room, but caulfield who likes to do it his way, tells the story of a baseball glove of his dead brother, allie.who wrote on her poetry and read them during matches. стрэдлейтер, reading text, resents отклонившегося from the theme of the author, stating that he planted his pig, but caulfield, огорчённый orderwhat стрэдлейтер went on a date with a girl who liked and he himself, is not big. it's us and nosebleeds caulfield.
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