Я не знаю, где сделана эта фотография. Но меня возмущает некорректное название этой фотографии. Я думаю, что вам, надо знать о фотографиях, которые Вы публикуете. Чернобыльская авария затронула три страны - Украину, Россию и Белоруссию.
I don't know where this picture was taken. But I resent the incorrect title of this photo. I think you need to know about photos you post. The Chernobyl accident has affected three countries-Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
I do not know where to make this photo. But I resent the incorrect name of the photo. I think you need to know about the photographs that you publish. The Chernobyl accident has affected three countries - Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
I don't know, where is this photo. But I am appalled is not correct the title of this photo. I think that you need to know on the photos that you post. The Chernobyl accident had raised three countries - Ukraine,Russia and Belarus.