А. I. Это был небольшой дом, построенный в 1830 году.2. Читая английские книги, выписывайте интересные выражения. 3. Идя вчера по улице, я встретил старого друга, которого не видел много лет. 4. Работая над переводом этой статьи, я узнал много интересного из истории старых английских городов. 5. Не зная адреса Петрова, мы не могли навестить его. 6. Будучи тяжело болен, он не смог продолжить работу над книгой. 7. Я сразу же узнал девушку, сидевшую за роялем, но не мог вспомнить ее имя, пока товарищ не сказал мне. 8. Я шел по незнакомым улицам, с интересом разглядывая здания.
Б. 1. Только что звонил инженер, ждавший вас вчера. Сможете ли вы поговорить с ним сегодня? 2. Человек, написавший эту книгу, по-видимому, много путешествовал.3. Люди, сидевшие за столом, громко разговаривали и смеялись. 4. Все студенты, взявшие книги из библиотеки, должны сдать их после экзаменов. 5. Врач, Читавший лекцию вчера, приехал с Дальнего Востока.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
A. i. it was a small house, built in 1830 year. 2. Reading English books, make interesting expression. 3. Going today on the street, I met an old friend, which is not seen for many years. 4. working on the translation of this article, I learned a lot of interesting facts from the history of the old English towns. 5. Not knowing the address of Petrova, we could not visit him. 6. Being seriously ill, he was unable to continue work on the book. 7. I immediately recognized the girl sitting at the piano, but couldn't remember her name until a fellow told me. 8. I was walking on unfamiliar streets, eyeing with interest building.B. 1. Just called engineer, ždavšij you today. If you can talk to him today? 2. The person who wrote this book, it seems, a well-traveled. 3. People sitting at the table, loud talking and laughing. 4. all students who took the book from the library, must pass them after the exams. 5. The doctor, His lecture yesterday, came from the far East.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
A. I. It was a small house, built in 1830 godu.2. Reading English books, discharge interesting expression. 3. Walking down the street yesterday, I met an old friend he had not seen for many years. 4. Working on the translation of this article, I learned a lot of interesting stories from the old English towns. 5. Not knowing the address Petrova, we could not see him. 6. Being seriously ill, he was unable to continue work on the book. 7. I immediately recognized the girl sitting at the piano, but I could not remember her name, while fellow told me. 8. I walked along unfamiliar streets, with interest looking at the building.
B. 1. Just call an engineer, you waited yesterday. Will you be able to talk to him today? 2. The man who wrote this book, apparently a lot puteshestvoval.3. People sitting at a table, talking loudly and laughing. 4. All students who took the book out of the library, they must pass the following exams. 5. The physician, lectured yesterday, came from the Far East.
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