Формирование и массовое распространение верблюдов происходило в конце  перевод - Формирование и массовое распространение верблюдов происходило в конце  английский как сказать

Формирование и массовое распростран

Формирование и массовое распространение верблюдов происходило в конце плиоцена и в начале плейстоцена — время вымирания раннего рода верблюдовых Paracamelus (англ.)русск. и появления крупных форм верблюдов (Camelus). Выработанные современными верблюдами приспособления к жизни в засушливых условиях (горбы, особенности пищеварения и обмена веществ, поглощение большого количества воды и в связи с этим потребность в кормах, содержащих много соли, иноходь и пр.), вероятно, появились в эволюции верблюдовых (Camelidae) относительно поздно и не были характерны для них изначально. Неприхотливость верблюдов явилась причиной распространения этих животных в условиях, непригодных для других травоядных.Верблюды распространены только в зоне пустынь и сухих степей, они не могут жить в местностях с влажным климатом или в горах[1]. В одомашненной форме оба вида верблюдов Старого Света распространены во многих областях Азии и Африки.В пищу идёт мясо верблюдов, а также молоко, из которого изготовляют шубат, масла и сыры.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Formation and massive proliferation of camels in the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene — early extinction time kind of camelids Paracamelus (Engl.) Russian. and the emergence of major forms of camels (Camelus). From modern camels adapt to living in arid conditions (humps, especially digestion and metabolism, the absorption of large quantities of water and therefore the need for feeds that contain a lot of salt, amble, etc) probably appeared in the evolution of camelids (Camelidae) relatively late and not have characterized them originally. Ruggedness of camels caused a proliferation of these animals in conditions unsuitable for other herbivores. Camels circulated only in the area of Deserts and dry steppes, they cannot live in humid areas or in the mountains [1]. The domesticated form of both old world camels are widespread in many areas of Asia and Africa in food is meat of camels, as well as milk, from which produce Shubat, oils and cheeses.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Formation and mass distribution of camels occurred in the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene - time kind of early extinction camelids Paracamelus (Eng.) Russian. and the emergence of large forms camels (Camelus). Depleted modern camels adapt to life in the arid conditions (humps, especially digestion and metabolism, the absorption of large amounts of water and therefore the need for feeds containing a lot of salt, pacing, etc.) Are likely to appear in the evolution of camelids (Camelidae) relatively late and were not characteristic for them initially. Unpretentiousness camels was the cause of the spread of these animals in conditions that are unsuitable for other travoyadnyh.Verblyudy distributed only in a zone of deserts and dry steppes, they can not live in areas with humid climates or in the mountains. [1] The domesticated form of both types of Old World camels are common in many areas of Asia and Afriki.V food goes camel meat and milk, which is produced from shubat, oils and cheeses.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The formation and the large-scale dissemination of camels take place in the same time presenting at the end and in the early Serra Talhada culture - time species early kind of camelid production Pаrасаmelus (engl.) All rights reserved.. and the emergence of large-scale forms of camels (Cаmelus).Resulting from modern camels adapt to the life in dry conditions (горбы, especially digestive system and the exchange of substances, absorbing a large amount of water and, in this regard, the need for livestock fodder,Containing many salt, иноходь, etc. ), it is likely that there have been in the evolution of camelid production (Cаmelidаe) relatively late and have not been characterized for them initially.Certificated camels was the cause of the proliferation of these animals in conditions, unsuitable for other herbivores.camels distributed only in the zone deserts and dry grassland,They could not live in localities with humid climates or in the mountains[ 1). The domesticated form both of Old World camels distributed in many areas Asia and Africa.The food is meat camels, as well as milk,From which Venezuelans camel's milk, oil, and cheese.

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