Я прощаю сегодня, прощаю сейчас. Не кого-то прощаю, но всех. Кто случайно столкнул, кто специально не спас. Я сегодня прощаю и тех, Кто не слушал, не слышал, кто слушал - не внял, Не смотрел, иль смотрел - не увидел, Кто не понял, не вспомнил, не верил, не знал, Кто молчал, не хотел - но обидел. Я прощаю сегодня, прощаю теперь. Тех, кто видел, но все ж обошел. Кто боялся стучаться в закрытую дверь Кто в открытую дверь не вошел. Кто себя не нашел, кто других не искал. Тех, кто будет искать безуспешно. Тех, кто вновь не поймет, кто нарочно толкал, Кто смеяться начнет безутешно.
Источник: http://otkrowenie.com
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I forgive, I forgive today now. Not someone I forgive, but of all. Who is accidentally pushed, who is not saved. Today I forgive and those who are not listened to, not heard, who listened to-not heeded, not looking, or looking-not found Who has not understood, not remembered, didn't believe he did not know who was silent, not like-but offended. I forgive, I forgive today now. Those who have seen, but all bypassed. Who's afraid of knocking on a closed door in the open door is not logged. Who themselves did not find who the other was looking for. Those who will search to no avail. Those who will not understand, who purposely pushed who laugh will be inconsolable.
source: http://otkrowenie.com
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I forgive today, forgive now. Not forgive someone, but everyone. Who bumped who specifically saved. Today I forgive those who did not listen, did not hear who listened - did not heed, not watched il looked - did not see who did not understand, he remembered he did not believe, did not know who was silent, did not want to - but offended. I forgive today, forgive now. Those who have seen, but all walked. Who's afraid of knocking on a closed door Who has not entered the open door. Who has not found themselves, who did not seek other. Those who will search in vain. Those who re not understand who deliberately pushed Who starts laughing inconsolably. Source: http://otkrowenie.com
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
I slaves today, slaves now. Not someone be forgiven, but the end of all. Who accidentally had pushed, who specifically do not saved. I slaves and those who are not listening, is not heard, who listened to - has not heeded, not watching, il looks - not saw,Those who do not understand, do not remembered, not believed, did not know, who refused him, not like - but offended. I slaves today, slaves now. Those, who saw, but all railway bypassed. Those who fear knock on a closed door who in an open door is not logged.Those who have not yet found, who other is not looking for. Those who will be > without success. Those, who once again did not understand, who abetted them Gracanica, who laughed at starts to inconsolable.lord Source: http://оtkrоwenie.соm
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