10. Они уговаривали брата жениться на ней. «Ты, несомненно, будешь счастлив с ней», — не раз говорили они. 11. Мисс Рода считала Джорджа очень милым молодым человеком, и ей очень хотелось (to be anxious), чтобы он женился на ней.
10. They persuaded his brother to marry her. "You're undoubtedly going to happy with it," the times said. 11. Miss kind of believed George is a very nice young man, and she longed to (to be realism figurative painting anxious) that he married her.
10. They tried to persuade his brother to marry her. "You will surely be happy with it," - times they said. 11. Miss Rhoda thought George very nice young man, and she wanted (to be anxious), so he married her.
10. they told his brother to marry her. "you will certainly be happy with it, is not the time, they said. 11. miss rhoda thought george a very nice young man, and she really wanted to be anxious) that he married her.