4.7 Первый год проекта:– Теоретические исследования процессов теплообм перевод - 4.7 Первый год проекта:– Теоретические исследования процессов теплообм английский как сказать

4.7 Первый год проекта:– Теоретичес

Первый год проекта:
– Теоретические исследования процессов теплообмена при термической обработке коллагенсодержащего сырья для создания методики расчета кинетики процесса гидролиза.
– Исследование кинетики процесса гидролиза различных видов соединительной и мышечной ткани побочных продуктов переработки и биоотходов животных и птицы неферментативным методом для создания методологии прогнозирования параметров процесса и концентрации катализаторов, обеспечивающих соответствующие функционально-технологические свойства жидких белоксодержащих ингредиентов. Для этого необходимо определение следующих характеристик:
средней молекулярной массы белковых фрагментов методом гель-хроматографии, химического состава белковых ингредиентов методами инфракрасной Фурье-спектроскопии, капиллярного электрофореза и спектрофотометрии; определение прозрачности белковых ингредиентов и гидролизатов с помощью оптического метода; определение реологических характеристик (прочность, эластичность, твердость) по образцов ГОСТу; криоскопической температуры методом анализа температурных кривых, полученных при фиксации температуры объекта с равномерным отводом теплоты; удельной теплоемкости (c) и теплопроводности (λ) исследуемых объектов – способом температурных изменений энтальпии на образцах малых размеров. Оценка склонности к синерезису желирующих ингредиентов по количеству отделившейся жидкости, отнесенной к массе образца. Простота методов исследования предполагает их дальнейшее применение в определении показателей качества и безопасности продуктов питания.
– Исследование процесса сушки белковых ингредиентов. Определение кинетики процесса сушки.
– Исследования влияния различной молекулярной массы белка и режима температурной обработки раствора на кинетику процессов формирования гелевых структур из полученных коллаген-содержащих растворов. Исследование вязкости и определение временного модуля растворов и гелей с использованием методов вискозиметрии. Исследования морфологии получаемых гелей и пленок с использованием оптической и сканирующей электронной микроскопии (СЭМ), а также метода аналитического описания получаемых структур на основе статистического анализа результатов микроскопии.
– Исследование влияния различной молекулярной массы белка на физические и эксплуатационные характеристики получаемых гелей и пленок. Определение физико-механических свойств гелей, таких как плотность, твердость и сила геля и свойств прочности и эластичности пленок при прокалывании и растяжении; определение кинетического и статического коэффициентов трения поверхности пленок; определение коэффициента прозрачности и блеска пленок; определение паропроницаемости пленок; термических свойств гелей и пленок методами термогравиметрического анализа (ТГА) и дифференциальной сканирующей колориметрии (ДСК).
– Исследования гелей и пленок на основе коллагенсодержащих растворов методами «in vivo» с использованием вивария и SPF-животных. Изучение влияния рассматриваемых объектов на организм животных, их съедобности и усваиваемости (катаболизм).
Второй год проекта:
– Создание методики прогнозирования технологических свойств белковых ингредиентов. Исследование влияния молекулярной массы на реологические характеристики белковых ингредиентов. Исследования массовой доли влаги методом лиофилизации; активной кислотности (рН) потенциометрическим методом; динамической вязкости по Оствальду; прочности гелей белковых ингредиентов; модуля упругости гелей белковых ингредиентов на консистометре; температуры плавления и желирования ингредиентов; содержания токсичных веществ в белковых ингредиентах и гидролизатах биологическими, микробиологическими и биохимическими методами.
– Изучение влияния добавок стабилизирующих водорастворимых полисахаридов на реологические и структурные свойства коллаген-содержащих растворов с различной молекулярной массой белка и гелей на их основе. Исследования кинетики вязкости и эволюции микроструктуры гелеобразования при различных режимах температурной обработки растворов. Изучение влияния содержания различных полисахаридов на скорость гелеобразования, а также на физические и эксплуатационные характеристики получаемых гелей и пленок.
– Исследование влияния добавок армирующих и пластифицирующих наполнителей на реологические и структурные свойства растворов коллаген/полисахарид с различной молекулярной массой белка и соотношением компонентов, а также на физические и эксплуатационные свойства гелей и пленок на их основе. Исследования кинетики вязкости и эволюции микроструктуры гелеобразования при различных режимах температурной обработки растворов. Изучение влияния содержания различных функциональных наполнителей на скорость гелеобразования, а также на физические и эксплуатационные характеристики получаемых гелей и пленок.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
4.7. The first year of the project:Theoretical study of heat exchange processes at thermal processing kollagensoderzhashchego raw materials to create a methodology for calculating the kinetics of the hydrolysis process.-Study of the kinetics of hydrolysis of different types of connective tissue and muscle tissue and biowaste by-products animal and poultry nefermentative method for establishing a methodology for forecasting process parameters and concentration of catalyst, providing appropriate functional and technological properties of liquid beloksoderzhashhih ingredients. To do this, you must define the following characteristics:high molecular weight protein fragments gel-chromatography method, the chemical composition of protein ingredients methods infrared FTIR spectroscopy, capillary electrophoresis and spectrophotometry; definition transparency protein ingredients and hydrolysates using an optical method; determination of rheological characteristics (strength, elasticity, hardness) for Gost samples; krioskopicheskoj analysis method of temperature temperature curves obtained by fixing the temperature of an object with a uniform heat outlet; specific heat (c) and thermal conductivity (λ) of the studied objects-way temperature enthalpy changes on small samples sizes. Estimation of propensity to syneresis these ingredients by the number of separated liquids, related to the mass of the sample. Easy methods of research suggests their continued use in identifying indicators of food quality and safety. -Research of drying process of protein ingredients. Determination of the kinetics of the drying process.-Research on the effect of different molecular weight protein and solution heat treatment regime on the kinetics of formation of gel structures of the collagen-containing solutions. Study on the viscosity and the definition of temporary module solutions and gels using viscometry. Studies of the morphology obtained gels and films using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as well as analytical method description derived structures based on a statistical analysis of the results of microscopy.-Study of the influence of different molecular weight protein on the physical and operational characteristics derived gels and films. The determination of physico-mechanical properties of gels, such as density, hardness and strength of the gel and properties of strength and elasticity of films at piercing and stretching; determination of kinetic and static friction coefficient of surface films; determination of the coefficient of transparency and shine films; determination of water vapour transmission rate films; thermal properties of gels and thermogravimetric analysis methods films (TGA) and differential scanning Colorimetry (DSC).-Studies of gels and films based on kollagensoderzhashhih solutions in vivo methods using the vivarium and SPF-animals. Study of the effect of the considered objects on the body of animals, their edibility and digestibility (catabolism). The second year of the project:-The establishment of forecasting techniques of technological properties of protein ingredients. Study of the influence of molecular weight on the rheological characteristics of protein ingredients. Study of mass fraction method lyophilization; Active acidity (Ph)-potentiometric method; dynamic viscosity at Ostval'du; strength gels protein ingredients; modulus of elasticity gels protein ingredients on konsistometre; melting and gel ingredients; the content of toxic substances into protein ingredients and hydrolyzed biological, microbiological and biochemical methods.-Study of the effect of additives of water soluble polysaccharides of stabilising on rheological and structural properties of the collagen-containing solutions with different molecular weight protein and gels based on them. Study of the kinetics of viscosity and microstructure evolution of Gelation in different modes of thermal processing solutions. A study of the influence of the content of various polysaccharides on Gelation speed, as well as the physical and operational characteristics derived gels and films.-Study of the influence of additives reinforcement and plasticizing fillers on rheological and structural properties of the solutions of collagen/polysaccharide with different molecular weight protein and the ratio of components, as well as the physical and operational properties of gels and films based on them. Study of the kinetics of viscosity and microstructure evolution of Gelation in different modes of thermal processing solutions. A study of the influence of the content of the various functional fillers on Gelation speed, as well as the physical and operational characteristics derived gels and films.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The first year of the project:
- Theoretical study of heat transfer processes during heat treatment of the collagen raw material to create a method for calculating the kinetics of the hydrolysis process.
- A study of the kinetics of the process of hydrolysis of various types of connective and muscular tissue processing byproducts and biowaste animals and birds non-enzymatic method to create a forecasting methodology of the process parameters and the concentration of catalyst, providing appropriate functional and technological properties of the liquid protein-containing ingredients. This requires determination of the following characteristics:
an average molecular weight of the protein fragments by gel chromatography, the chemical composition of protein components by infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy, capillary electrophoresis and spectrophotometry; determining transparency hydrolysates and protein ingredients with an optical method; Determination of rheological properties (strength, elasticity, hardness) GOST samples; cryoscopic temperature by analyzing the temperature curves obtained by fixing the temperature of the object with a uniform heat removal; specific heat (c) and thermal conductivity (λ) of the objects - the method for temperature changes in enthalpy small samples. Evaluation tendency to syneresis gelling ingredients by the number of the separated liquid, referred to the sample weight. Easy methods of research suggests their further use in the definition of indicators of quality and food safety.
- Investigation of the process of drying the protein ingredients. Determination of the kinetics of the drying process.
- Investigations of the influence of different molecular weight of the protein and solution heat treatment regime on the kinetics of the formation of gel structures of the resulting collagen-containing solutions. Research and viscosity determination module temporary solutions and gels using viscometry methods. Investigations of morphology of gels and films obtained using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analytical method and the description of the structures obtained based on statistical analysis of the results of microscopy.
- Investigation of the effect of varying the molecular weight of the protein and the physical performance obtained gels and films. Determination of physico-mechanical properties of gels, such as density, hardness and gel strength and film strength and elasticity properties when piercing and stretching; Determination of kinetic and static surface friction coefficient of films; Determination of transparency and gloss films; determination of water vapor permeability of films; thermal properties of the gels and films by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC).
- Studies of gels and films based on collagen solutions by «in vivo» using SPF-vivarium and animals. The influence of these objects on the body of animals, their edibility and digestibility (catabolism).
The second year of the project:
- Creating a method for forecasting the technological properties of protein ingredients. The study of influence of molecular weight on the rheological characteristics of the protein ingredients. Studies of moisture content by lyophilization; active acidity (pH) potentiometric method; dynamic viscosity by Ostwald; gel strength protein ingredients; the elastic modulus of gels of protein ingredients consistometer; melting and gelling ingredients; the content of toxic substances in the ingredients and protein hydrolysates biological, microbiological and biochemical methods.
- Study of the effect of water-soluble polysaccharides stabilizing additives on the rheological and structural properties of collagen-containing solutions with different molecular weight proteins and gels thereof. Studies of the kinetics of viscosity and gelation of the microstructure evolution in different heat treatment regimes solutions. Study of the effect on the content of the various polysaccharide gelling speed, as well as the physical and operational characteristics of resulting films and gels.
- Investigation of the effect of reinforcing fillers and plasticizing additives on the rheological properties of the fluids and structural collagen / polysaccharide with various molecular weight protein and the ratio of the components, as well as the physical and performance properties of gels and films based on them. Studies of the kinetics of viscosity and gelation of the microstructure evolution in different heat treatment regimes solutions. Study of the effect of different contents of functional fillers to gelation speed, and the physical and operational characteristics of resulting films and gels.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
4.7the first year of the project.is the theoretical study of heat transfer in thermal processing коллагенсодержащего raw materials to create the calculation on the kinetics of the process of hydrolysis.study on the kinetics of the hydrolysis process is different types of connective and muscle tissues of by-products processing and биоотходов animals and birds неферментативным method to build forecasting methodology of process parameters and the concentration of catalysts, providing relevant functional and technological properties of liquid белоксодержащих ingredients. this requires the definition of the following characteristics:the average molecular mass of the protein fragments by gel chromatography, and the chemical composition of protein ingredients and methods of infrared fourier transform spectroscopy, capillary electrophoresis and спектрофотометрии; definition of transparency protein ingredients and гидролизатов by optical method; definition реологических characteristics (strength, elasticity, hardness) of the cd standard. иоскопической temperature method of analysis of the temperature curves obtained with the fixation temperature of object with linear diverting heat; specific heat (c) and thermal conductivity (several) of object is the way temperature changes enthalpies on samples of small size. evaluation of the tendency to синерезису желирующих ingredients of it ejected fluid divided by the mass of the sample. the simplicity of the methods research involves their further application in determining the quality and safety of food products.is the study of drying of protein ingredients. the kinetics of the process of drying.study of the influence of varying molecular mass of the protein, and the temperature of processing solution on the kinetics of processes forming gel structures of the obtained collagen - containing solutions. study of viscosity and the definition of temporary module solutions and gels, using methods вискозиметрии. the study of morphology of the gels and films using optical and scanning electron microscopy (sam), as well as the method of analytical description of the structures on the basis of the statistical analysis of the results of microscopy.a study of the influence of varying molecular mass of the protein is on the physical and operational characteristics of the gels and films. determination of the mechanical properties of the gels, such as the density, hardness and strength of the gel and the properties of the strength and elasticity of the прокалывании and strength; the definition of the kinetic and static friction coefficients of the films; the definition of transparency and gloss films; definition паропроницаемости plait
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