Здравствуй милый Peter .Вау, как мне приятно было получить от тебя пис перевод - Здравствуй милый Peter .Вау, как мне приятно было получить от тебя пис английский как сказать

Здравствуй милый Peter .Вау, как мн

Здравствуй милый Peter .
Вау, как мне приятно было получить от тебя письмо , я читала его с огромным наслаждением . Мед , признаюсь тебе честно , ты покорил мое сердце . Меня уже тянет к тебе , я почувствовала твою силу и душевное состояние всего лишь через письмо . Я могу только догадываться какой ты человек в реальной жизни . Спасибо тебе за это .)
Мед , те мне не поверишь , но я тоже верю в судьбу и в звезды в нашей галактике .) Я долгое время мечтала и думала о таком человеке как ты . Я смотрела на звезды и думала о том , что где-то в этом мире , есть такой же человек как и я . Мой единственный и близкий человек , моя половинка . Для меня не важен возраст , в любви все возрасты покорны .) Я считаю , что самое главное , что бы была взаимная и крепкая любовь .
Мед ,тоже самое я могу сказать и о себе , я очень люблю общаться с хорошими людьми . Люблю говорить о великих делах и смысле жизни . Я очень добрая и милая девушка , которая как и все одинокие женщины мечтаю наконец-то встретить свою любовь , своего защитника и опору . Самого желанного и любимого мужчину . Я с уверенностью могу сказать , что открыта для настоящих и серьезных отношений .
Я очень сильно люблю жизнь , ведь мы проживаем ее один раз . И я стараюсь взять от жизни все что она мне предлагает . Я очень активная женщина , одновременно очень страстная , люблю спорт , природу , танцы , книги , путешествия . Мне очень нравиться общаться с умными людьми , я обожаю поговорить на очень глубокие и серьезные темы . Кстати я тоже очень люблю науку , меня всегда интересовал космос и наша матушка земля , очень сильно люблю физику .)
Да мед , я согласна с тобой , что это прекрасно когда девушка милая и еще интеллектуальная .) Но! я еще хочу добавить , что еще прекрасней наблюдать пару интеллектуальной и развитой . Когда и мужчина умный и благородный , и когда женщина умная и мудрая . Как это прекрасно .)
Мед , я очень сильно хочу искренне любить и дарить себя полностью без остатка своему любимому человеку . Я даю тебе слово , что я умею по настоящему сильно ЛЮБИТЬ . Моя душа и мое сердце поет от чувств , какие я могу подарить своему любимому мужчине . От того, что я отдаюсь полностью ради своей половинки , я расцветаю как нежный и очень редкий цветок на нашей земле матушке .)
Милый Peter , если бы ты знал , как я сильно желаю того , что бы у нас был шанс связать наши судьбы вместе . Я представила себе нашу совместную жизнь, и уже в восторге от того , как бы мы сказочно жили и радовались жизни . Я прекрасно понимаю , что это все го лишь мечты , но нет жизни без желаний и мечты . Ведь мечты и чувства делают нас живыми . Кстати, ты очень красивый на фотографиях и очень мужественно выглядишь . Ты мне нравишься .)))
Милый Peter , прошу тебя дай мне ответ , что ты думаешь по этому поводу , мне было бы очень приятно , если бы ты ответил мне взаимностью . Надеюсь на то , что я буду тебе небезразлична и ты откроешь мне свое сердце .
Буду ждать с нетерпением твоего письма .
Целую тебя нежно , пока в щечку .)))
С любовью к тебе . Natali
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello dear Peter.Wow, I was pleased to receive from you a letter, I read it with great delight. Honey, I confess you honestly, you have conquered my heart. I was already attracted to you, I feel your strength and State of mind only through writing. I can only guess what you people in real life. Thank you for it.) Honey, they will not believe me, but I also believe in fate and stars in our galaxy.) I have long dreamed of and thought about such person like you. I looked at the stars and thought that somewhere in this world, there is the same person as I am. My one and only, my loved one and a half. Age is not important for me, to love all ages.) I believe that the most important thing is that there was mutual and strong love. Honey, I can say the same thing about himself, I love to chat with nice people. Love to talk about the great things and the meaning of life. I am very kind and nice girl, which like all single women dream to finally meet his love, his counsel and support. The most coveted and beloved man. I can say with confidence that is open for real and serious relationship.I very much like life as we live it once. And I try to take from life everything that it offers me. I am a very active woman, at the same time very passionate, I love sports, nature, dance, books, travel. I really like talking with smart people, I love to talk on a very deep and serious themes. By the way I also love science, I was always interested in the cosmos and our mother earth, very much physics.) Yes honey, I agree with you that this is when the girl is cute and even intellectual.) But! I still want to add that even more beautiful to watch a couple of intellectual and developed. When a man is clever and noble, and when a woman is smart and wise. How beautiful it is.)Honey, I want to sincerely love and give yourself completely without leaving your loved one. I give you my word that I am able to really strong LOVE. My soul and my heart sings from feelings, what can I give to my beloved man. From what I have I am devoted entirely to their halves, I "bloomed" like a gentle and very rare flower on our soil MATUSHKA.) Dear Peter, I wish you knew how I strongly wish that we had a chance to tie our destinies together. I imagined our life together and are thrilled with how we lived and enjoyed the fabulous life. I understand that this is all th only dream, but there is no life without dreams and desires. After all, dreams and feelings make us alive. By the way, you are very beautiful in the photographs and very courageously look. I like you.)))Dear Peter, I ask you to give me an answer, what do you think about this, it would be very nice if you answered me back. I hope that I will care about you and you open your heart to me. I will wait eagerly for your letter.Kiss you gently until the cheek.)))With love to you. Natali
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello dear Peter.
Wow, I was pleased to receive a letter from you, I read it with great pleasure. Honey, I confess to you honestly, you won my heart. I was already attracted to you, I feel your strength and mental state just a letter. I can only guess what you people in real life. Thank you for that.)
Honey, they will not believe me, but I also believe in fate and the stars in our galaxy.) I have long dreamed of and thought of such a man as you. I looked at the stars and thought that somewhere in this world, there is a man like me. My only and loved one, my half. For me is not important age, love for all ages.) I think the most important thing is that there was a mutual and strong love.
Honey, the same thing I can say about myself, I love to talk to good people. I like to talk about the great things and the meaning of life. I'm very kind and sweet girl who is like all single women dream to finally meet his love, his counsel and support. Most coveted and beloved man. I can say with confidence that the present and open to a serious relationship.
I very much love life, because we live it once. And I try to take everything from life that it offers me. I am a very active woman, both very passionate, love sports, nature, dance, books, travel. I like to communicate with smart people, I love to talk to a very deep and serious topics. By the way I also love science, I have always been interested in space and our mother earth, very much like physics.)
Yes honey, I agree with you that it's fine when she's cute and more intelligent.) But! I still want to add that even more beautiful to watch a couple of the intellectual and development. When a man and a wise and noble, and when a woman is smart and wise. How beautiful it is.)
Honey, I very much want to sincerely love and give yourself completely without a trace your loved one. I give you my word that I am able to present much love. My soul and my heart sings of feelings, what can I give her beloved man. From what I give myself completely for the sake of their halves, I bloom like a gentle and very rare flower on our earth mother.)
Dear Peter, if you only knew how I strongly wish that we had a chance to tie our destinies together. I imagine our life together, and already in awe of how we live fabulously and enjoy life. I understand that this is all just a dream of, but there is no life without desires and dreams. After all, dreams and feelings make us alive. By the way, you are very beautiful in the pictures and look very manly. I like you.)))
Dear Peter, I ask you to give me the answer that you think about it, I would be very nice if you said to me in return. I hope that I'll be indifferent and you will open your heart to me.
I'll be waiting eagerly for your letter.
I kiss you gently until the cheek.)))
With love to you. Natali
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Do you know what I'm going home Peter .
Wau, as I had been pleased to receive from you letter , i read it with great delight. Honey , i admit it you honestly , you're beating my heart . I am already pulls to thee ,I felt thy force and mental condition only through a letter from . I can only guess at what you people in real life. Thank you for this .)
honey , those i do not forgetteth ,But I also believe in fate and the stars in our galaxy.) I have been my dream for a long time and thought I was on such a man as you are. I glared at the stars and thought about the fact, that the this world, there are the same people as i am.My only and close people , my half. For me age is not important, in all ages are dutiful to love.) I believe it is, the most important thing, that would have been mutual and strong love.
Honey ,the same I can say about themselves ,I love to communicate with good people. I love to talk about the great lakes and sense of life. I have a very good and a pretty girl, which as all single women dream finally found their love ,Their counsel and support. The most desired and beloved man. I have the confidence to say, that is open to present and serious relations .
I am very much like life, we live it once.And I try to take from life all that it offers. I am a very active woman, while very good, love sport , nature , dancing , books , travel . I would very much like to communicate with smart people ,I love to talk to on a very deep and serious topics. I think i love science, I have always asked space and our mother earth, is very much like physics .)
Yes honey, i agree with you ,That is fine when the girl sweetheart and even intelligent .) but! I also want to add, that even "vision to observe a pair intellectual and well-developed. When a man and a smart and noble ,And when a woman is smart and wise. As this is an excellent . )
honey , i very much wish to express our sincere love and give themselves fully without balance your favorite person. I give you the floor, that I am afraid to really love.My soul and my heart sings of feelings, what I can give away your favorite man. From the fact that I am отдаюсь fully in pursuit of its halves , i расцветаю as bubblegum and a very rare flower on our land Iveron Icon .)
Do you know what I'm going Peter, if you know, as I have wish , that we would be a chance to relate to our destiny together. I have presented our joint life, and already the main thing is, how would we Fellini lived and rejoiced at life .I am well aware, that this is the only dream, but there is no life without desire and dreams. It is dreams and feelings are what make us alive. In fact, you are a very beautiful in the photos and very courageously look . I like you .guessed
Do you know what I'm going Peter , i request you give me the answer, what do you think of the matter, I would be very pleased, if you would answer me reciprocate. The hope, that I will do you care about and you looked like me its heart .
I look forward to your letter .
integer you gently, until the щечку .guessed
with love to you. Attractive Accommodations
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