В наше время не так уж много людей работают с животными в паре. Полице перевод - В наше время не так уж много людей работают с животными в паре. Полице английский как сказать

В наше время не так уж много людей

В наше время не так уж много людей работают с животными в паре. Полицейские это одни из немногих, кто работает с животными, а именно с собаками, специально обученными на нахождение наркотиков, трупов, взрывчаток и других вещей. Разумеется, пригодны для службы только физически и психически здоровые собаки. Выстрелы, шум, толпы людей и экстремальные ситуации не должны пугать животных или провоцировать их на непредсказуемое поведение. На подготовку четвероногого стража порядка уходит минимум полгода. Начинать тренировки можно с 8 месяцев до 3 лет. После собака становится труднообучаемой . Тренировки проводятся ежедневно, чтобы пес не терял сноровки. Обычное занятие длится около 2 часов. Животное учат преодолевать препятствия и длинные дистанции, безропотно подчиняться своему хозяину. Занятия, как правило, проходят в форме игры. В конце собаку обязательно поощряют. Места тренировок постоянно меняются, чтобы животное не терялось в незнакомой обстановке. Во время занятий создается искусственной шум: пальба из оружия, вой сирен, крики – все, что могло смутить обычного пса, но не должно волновать служебного. У каждой собаки в первые недели обучения появляется своя специализация.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Nowadays not many people working with animals in a pair. This is one of the few police officers who work with animals, such as dogs, specially trained to find drugs, explosives, and other things. Of course, suitable for service only physically and mentally healthy dogs. Shots, noise, crowds and extreme situations should not scare animals or provoke them to unpredictable behavior. On the training of four-legged guardian order leaves a minimum of six months. Start a workout with 8 months to 3 years. After the dog becomes trudnoobučaemoj. Trainings are held daily to dog has lost the knack. Standard lesson lasts about 2:00. Animal learn to overcome obstacles and long distance, meekly obey his master. Classes, usually in the form of the game. At the end of the dog will definitely encourage. Place the workouts are constantly changing, so that animal is not lost in unfamiliar surroundings. During class creates artificial noise: firing of weapons, the howling of sirens, screams-everything that could confuse an ordinary dog, but should not disturb the service. Every dog in the first week of training you receive its specialization.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In our time, not so many people working with the animals in pairs. Police is one of the few who work with animals, namely dogs, trained to find narcotics, corpses, explosives and other things. Of course, suitable for life both physically and mentally healthy dogs. The shots, the noise, the crowds and the extreme situations should not scare the animals or provoke them to unpredictable behavior. The preparation of the four-legged guardian of order takes at least six months. You can start training from 8 months to 3 years. Once a dog becomes learning difficulties. Trainings are held daily to dog lost the knack. Average class lasts about 2 hours. Animals learn to overcome obstacles and long distances, meekly obey his master. Classes are usually held in the form of the game. At the end of the dog definitely encouraging. Places of training constantly changing, so the animal is not lost in an unfamiliar environment. During the classes to create artificial noise: the firing of weapons, sirens, screams - anything that might embarrass the ordinary dog, but should not care service. Every dog ​​in the first week of training there has its own specialization.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In our time, not so many people are working with the animals in a pair. The police is one of the few, who is working with the animals, and it is with dogs, specially trained to find drugs, corpses,Thanked those rectors whose parishes generously and other things. Of course, suitable for the service only physically and mentally healthy dogs. Shots were fired, the noise,Crowds of people and extreme situations should not be intimidated by animals or provoke them to unpredictable behavior. The Spaceguard Foundation mail postcard order takes a minimum of six months.To start your workout can be from 8 months to 3 years. After the dog is becoming труднообучаемои . Training will be carried out daily, to tes is not lost manual dexterity. Normal activity lasts approximately 2 hours.The animal are taught to overcome the obstacles and long distance, imitate to abide by its owners. Classes, as a rule, are in the form games. At the end of dog it is essential to encourage.The workouts are constantly changing, so that the animal has not been dropped in unfamiliar environments. During the class is created artificial noise: 'from the weapons, the wailing sirens, screaming - all that could confuse conventional psa,But it should not disturb service. For each dog in the first week learning appears its own specialization.
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