7. Клайд очень не любил, когда ему напоминали о бедности его родителей. 8. Мы не боялись попасть под дождь, потому что у нас были плащи. 9. Я притворился, будто не заметил его смущения, и продолжал говорить.
7. Clyde disliked when he recalled the poverty of his parents.8. We are not afraid of being caught in the rain because we had raincoats.9. I feigned not to notice him embarrassment and continued talking.
7. Clyde really did not like to be reminded of the poverty of his parents. 8. We were not afraid to get under the rain because we had raincoats. 9. I pretended not to notice his embarrassment, and went on to say.
7. clyde is not loved when he recalled the poverty of his parents. 8. we're not afraid to get wet in the rain, because we had cloaks. 9. i pretend like you didn't see him blush, and continued to talk.