Время расчета в нашей системе происходит по (GMT-5) EST, За сентябрь Вы заработали $20.40 Минимум для вывода в нашей системе 25usd Поэтому Вам не пришел invoice.
Time calculation in our system happens to (GMT-5) EST,In September you have earned $ 20.40 At least our system for 25usdSo you did not come to invoice.
Time calculation in our system occurs (GMT-5) EST, In September you have earned $ 20.40 minimum to display in our system 25usd so you do not come to invoice.
The time of calculation in our system is on (GMT-5) est, For September you have earned $20.40 at least for o in our system 25usd so you do not come invoice.