Я хотела бы рассказать о своей любимой книге «Робинзон Крузо». Эта книга написана очень давно – более двухсот лет назад. Сочинил её английский писатель Даниэль Дефо. Книга стала знаменита на весь мир. Было много книг , которые при своём появлении имели оглушающий успех, но потом теряли свою славу и забывались читателями. А книга о Робинзоне жива и по сей день, её читают с тем же волнением, с каким читали наши деды и прадеды.
Обычный англичанин, на свой страх и риск, занявшийся торговлей с заморскими странами, обогащается и становится плантатором, а затем попадает на остров Отчаяния, где проводить 27 долгих лет. Особенно привлекательно в Робинзоне то, что он труженик, человек неистощимой энергии. Стоило Робинзону хоть на миг опустить свои неутомимые руки, отказаться от ежеминутной борьбы с грозными силами природы, и пустынны остров, куда его забросила буря, стал бы его могилой. Но Робинзон трудолюбив и настойчив, он не отступает ни перед какими препятствиями и в конце концов добивается всего, чего хочет.
Тяжела работа, которую ему приходилось делать. Герой отдаёт этой работе все силы и так пылко увлекается ею, что увлекает и читателя. Робинзон с первых же дней своего пребывания на острове сажает леса, приручает животных; бесплодный пустырь превращается им в колосистое поле.
Повествование ведется от первого лица. Этот приём приобретает здесь явное просветительское звучание: описывая свои приключения, Робинзон одновременно анализирует своё поведение, рассказывает, какие чувства владели им в той или иной ситуации и как разум помогал ему справиться с отчаянием, страхом или яростью.
Во второй части романа («Дальнейшие приключения Робинзона Крузо») герой возвращается на свой остров и убеждается в том, что заложенные им принципы существования колонии помогают обрести счастье оставшимся на острове бившим пиратам и туземцам.
Роман Д. Дефо имел ещё и третью часть, которая сейчас почти не издаётся даже на родине писателя, в Англии. Она называется «Серьёзные размышления Робинзона Крузо». В неё вошли размышления о жизни, религии, обязанностях человека. Старый, мудрый Робинзон делится своими мыслями с читателем. Книга эта не издаётся не потому, что многие идеи Дефо устарели, и не потому, что это уже не роман, а скорее философско-нравоучительный трактат; нет, дело в том, что всё, о чем говорит Робинзон, было наглядно показано в первых двух частях романа.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I would like to talk about his favorite book "Robinson Crusoe". This book is written for a very long time-more than 200 years ago. It was composed by the English writer Daniel Defoe. The book became famous all over the world. There were many books in his appearance had stunning success, but then lost its glory and forgotten by readers. A book about Robinzone is alive to this day, her reading with the same excitement with what have read our grandfathers and great grandfathers.In plain English, at his own risk, who took on the trade with overseas countries, enriched and became a planter and then lands on the island of despair, where to spend 27 long years. Especially attractive in Robinzone having a hard worker, a man of inexhaustible energy. Worth it though for a moment omit fit into their tireless hands, abandon of combat the formidable forces of nature, and a deserted island, where he gave up a storm, would become his grave. But Robinson is hardworking and persistent, he retreats to what obstacles and eventually seeking just what he wants.Hard work he had to do. This gives the hero and so ardently enjoys it, that captivates and reader. Robinson from the first days of their stay on the island, plants a forest, Tames animals; barren wasteland into them in the kolosistoe field.The narrative is in the first person. This technique is here a clear educational sound: describing his adventures, Robinson also analyzes their behavior, tells how he owned in a particular situation and how the mind helped him cope with frustration, fear or rage.In the second part of the novel ("the further adventures of Robinson Crusoe") hero returns to his island, and shall ensure that the principles underlying the existence of the colony helped find happiness left on the island of bivšim pirates and natives.Roman d. Defoe had even a third of that is now almost out of print, even the writer's home in England. It's called "serious reflections of Robinson Crusoe". It includes musings on life, religion, human responsibilities. The old, wise Robinson shares his thoughts with the reader. This book is out of print, not because many ideas Defoe had become obsolete, and not because it is not a novel, but rather philosophical and preachy treatise; No, the point is that everything is talking about Robinson, illustrated in the first two parts of the novel.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I would like to tell us about your favorite book "Robinson Crusoe". This book is written in a very long time - more than two hundred years ago. Wrote her English writer Daniel Defoe. The book became famous all over the world. There were a lot of books that at his appearance had stunning success, but then lost their glory and forgotten by readers. A book about Robinson alive to this day, it is read with the same excitement with which read our grandfathers and great grandfathers. Common Englishman at your own risk, to engage in trade with overseas countries, enriched and becomes a planter, and then gets on the island Despair, where to spend 27 years. Particularly attractive in Robinson that he worker, a man of inexhaustible energy. Robinson was worth even for a moment lowered his tireless hands, abandon incessant struggle with the formidable forces of nature, and a deserted island, where he abandoned the storm would become his grave. But Robinson is hardworking and persevering, he does not retreat before any obstacles and eventually achieves everything he wants. hard work he had to do. Hero gives all the work force and so passionately fond of her, and that carries the reader. Robinson in the first days of his stay on the island planting forests, tame animals; barren wasteland turns them pigweed field. The narrative in the first person. This method gets a clear educational sound here: describing his adventures Robinson simultaneously analyze their behavior, tells what feelings they owned in a given situation and how the mind helped him cope with the despair, fear or rage. In the second part of the novel ("The Further Adventures Robinson Crusoe ") the hero returns to his island and make sure that they establish the principles of the colony to help find happiness stay on the island the beat pirates and natives. Roman Defoe was also a third part, which is now almost not even published in his homeland in England. It's called "Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe." It included reflections on life, religion, human responsibilities. Old, wise Robinson shares his thoughts with the reader. This book is not published because not that many ideas Defoe outdated, and not because it is not a novel, but rather a philosophical and moral treatise; No, the fact is that everything is talking about Robinson, it was clearly shown in the first two parts of the novel.
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