По евангельскому рассказу, при гробе Иисуса Христа произошло землетрясение: ангел, сошедший с неба, отвалил камень от гроба и сидел на нем. Вид его был, как молния, и одежда его была бела, как снег. Подходя к гробу, Мария Магдалина и другие благочестивые жёны увидели, что камень отвален. В пещере они увидели двух юношей в белых блистающих одеждах, и узнали от них, что Христос воскрес и встретит всех своих учеников в Галилее. Они рассказали все это ученикам, но те не поверили рассказанному.Только Петр и Иоанн встали и поспешили к гробу.Они вошли в пещеру, увидели все это и поверили, что Христос воскрес.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
In the Gospel story of Jesus Christ's Tomb, when the earthquake struck: an Angel came down from heaven, cast away the stone from the tomb and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. Approaching the Tomb, Mary Magdalene and other pious women saw that the stone was rolled away. In the cave they saw two young men in white shining robes, and learnt from them that Christ is risen and will meet all of his disciples in Galilee. They told all this to the disciples, but they believe only by Peter and John got up and hurried to the coffin. they entered the cave, saw all this and believe that Christ rose from the dead.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
According to the Gospel story, at the tomb of Jesus Christ was an earthquake: an angel descended from heaven and rolled back the stone from the tomb and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. Coming to the tomb, Mary Magdalene and other pious wife saw that the stone was rolled away. In the cave they saw two young men in white shining garments, and learned from them that Christ is risen and will meet all his disciples in Galilee. They told all the students, but they did not believe rasskazannomu.Tolko Peter and John got up and hurried to grobu.Oni entered the cave, saw all this and believe that Christ is risen.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
On February viewpoints, when great weeping Jesus Christ there was an earthquake: angel, redeemer with sky, apostles of the sepulchre and sat on it. His appearance was as lightning, and his clothing was in broad daylight, as well as snow. Approaching the coffin,Disciples and other pious wife saw that runneth. In the cave they saw two young men in white bowed down remained unapproachable, and have learned from them, that Christ is risen and will collect all their pupils in Galilee.They have told all the disciples, but they did not believe рассказанному.Only Peter and John are engaged and hastened to the coffin.They entered into the cave, they saw all of this and believe that Christ is risen.
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