Когда Макс оставил друзей и сел в поезд, он увидел у соседнего окна хо перевод - Когда Макс оставил друзей и сел в поезд, он увидел у соседнего окна хо английский как сказать

Когда Макс оставил друзей и сел в п

Когда Макс оставил друзей и сел в поезд, он увидел у соседнего окна хорошенькую девушку в красном. Она читала книгу и не смотрела на него. «Ясно», - подумал Макс. Он был уверен, что девушка возвращалась домой с вечеринки, и в Москве на вокзале ее ждал друг.
И тогда он подумал о Кате. Они были старые друзья. Сегодня день ее рождения, и они ехали к ней на дачу с подарком. Жаль, что он разбил вазу.... Катя была подругой его брата Алекса, а теперь она невеста их друга. В августе они собираются пожениться. Макс хорошо помнил историю их встречи.
Два года назад субботним вечером трое друзей-программистов из университета пошли в кино. Они собирались купить в кассе билеты, когда увидели на улице высокую красивую девушку. Она была одна и плакала.
«Почему ты плачешь?» спросил ее Алекс. '
«Я не знаю, что делать!» - ответила девушка и рассказала им свою историю.
Одна из ее подруг пригласила ее в тот день в кино. Катя ехала из университета и торопилась.
Она решила взять такси и остановила машину. По дороге подруга вдруг позвонила ей по мобильному телефону и сказала: «Послушай, ты иди в кино одна. Мы вчера не закончили нашу программу, и я все еще в офисе. До скорого. Пока». Это было ужасно. Катя была очень растроена и оставила свою сумку с мобильным телефоном и деньгами в машине.
Мы купили четыре билета и вместе пошли в кино. Фильм был хороший. Мы смеялись над странным доктором из больницы и его идеальной невестой. Мы вышли из кинотеатра, и Алекс дал Кате свой мо¬бильный телефон. Она набрала (to dial) свой номер и услышала мужской голос. Это был водитель такси (a taxi-driver).
Мы ждали его на улице около большого торгового центра. Вскоре он приехал и вернул Кате телефон и сумку. Мы, конечно, заплатили ему немного денег и продолжили нашу прогулку ...
«Москва», - вдруг услышал Макс голос девушки у соседнего окна и заторопился к двери.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When Max left friends and got on the train, he saw at a nearby window, pretty little girl in red. She was reading a book and not staring at him. "Clearly," thought Max. He was sure that the girl was returning home from a party, and in Moscow at the station waiting for her friend.And then he thought about Kate. They were old friends. Today is her birthday, and they rode to her summer cottage with a gift. It is a pity that he broke a vase .... Katia was the girlfriend of his brother Alex, and now she's the bride of their friend. They are going to get married in August. Max well remembered the story of their meeting.Two years ago, Saturday night the three friends-programmers from University went to the movies. They were going to buy in the box office tickets when they saw on the street high beautiful girl. She was alone and crying."Why are you crying?" asked her Alex. '"I don't know what to do!" answered the girl and told them my story.One of her girlfriends invited her to the movies that day. Katia was traveling from University and wouldn't.She decided to take a taxi and stopped the car. The road suddenly she phoned friend on his cell phone and said, ' listen, you go to the cinema alone. We today have not completed our program, and I'm still in the Office. See you soon. While ". It was awful. Katia was very rastroena and left my bag with a mobile phone and cash in the car.We bought four tickets and went to the movies together. The movie was good. We laughed at the strange doctor out of the hospital and his perfect bride. We left the theater, and Alex gave Kate his mo ¬ Mobile phone. She gained (to dial) your number and heard a man's voice. It was a taxi driver (a taxi-driver).We waited for him on the street near a big shopping center. He soon came and returned Cate phone and bag. We certainly paid him some money and continued our walk ...«Moscow», suddenly heard a voice at a nearby girl Max Windows and zatoropilsâ to the door.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When Max left friends and boarded the train, he saw a neighboring window pretty girl in red. She read the book and did not look at him. "It is clear", - thought Max. He was sure that the girl was returning home from a party, and in Moscow at the station waiting for her friend.
And then he thought about Katya. They were old friends. Today was her birthday and they went to her cottage with a gift. It is a pity that he broke a vase .... Katya was a friend of his brother Alex, and now she is the bride of another. In August, they were going to get married. Max remembered the story of their meeting.
Two years ago, on a Saturday night the three friends programmers from the university went to the movies. They were going to buy tickets at the box office, when they saw on the street beautiful girl high. She was alone and crying.
"Why are you crying?" Asked her Alex. '
' I do not know what to do! "- Said the girl, and told them his story.
One of her friends asked her that day in the cinema. Kate went from the university and in a hurry.
She decided to take a taxi and stopped the car. On the way, a friend suddenly called her on his cell phone and said, "Look, you go to the movies alone. Yesterday we did not complete our program, and I'm still in the office. See you later. Till". It was terrible. Katya was very rastroena and left my bag with mobile phone and money in the car.
We bought four tickets and went to the movies together. The film was good. We laughed at the strange doctor from the hospital and his perfect bride. We left the theater, and Alex gave Kate his mo¬bilny phone. She dialed (to dial) a number and heard a man's voice. It was a taxi driver (a taxi-driver).
We waited for him in the street near a large shopping center. Soon he came back and Katya phone and bag. We, of course, paid him some money and continued our walk ...
"Moscow", - he heard Max's voice girl from a neighboring window and hurried to the door.
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