Выбор карьеры можно назвать выбором жизни. От этого выбора зависит оче перевод - Выбор карьеры можно назвать выбором жизни. От этого выбора зависит оче английский как сказать

Выбор карьеры можно назвать выбором

Выбор карьеры можно назвать выбором жизни. От этого выбора зависит очень многое. В случае неправильного выбора человек обрекает себя на долгие годы проведения своего времени на нелюбимой работе. С проблемами в выборе карьеры сталкивается большинство людей.
К выбору карьеры следует уделить особое внимание. и чтоб не ошибиться необходимо знать свои интересы, склонности и способности к видам труда или профессии. Интересы и предпочтения чрезвычайно важны в выборе. Работа должна быть интересной и проходить в тех условиях, которые наиболее комфортны.
Фактора при выборе карьеры это престиж профессии, ее востребованность на рынке труда, высокая заработная плата, реальная возможность получить профессию. Именно эти факторы повлияют при выборе той или иной карьеры.
При выборе карьеры имеет смысл выбрать ту сферу, которая связана стем, что вы любите делать в свободное время, если вы этого хотите.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Career choice is the choice of life. From this choice depends very much. In the case of selecting the wrong man doomed himself for years of his time at the unloved work. Issues in choosing a career most people face. Choosing a career should be given special attention. and not to make a mistake, you need to know their interests, aptitudes and the ability to work or profession. Interests and preferences are extremely important in choosing. Should be interesting and be in those conditions, which are the most comfortable.Factor in career choice is the prestige of the profession, the demand in the labour market, high wages, a real opportunity to get a profession. These factors will influence when choosing a career.When choosing a career, it makes sense to choose the scope of the stem that you love to do in your spare time if you so wish.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Choosing a career can be called a life choice. From this choice depends very much. In the case of a wrong choice of man condemns himself for many years of his time at the unloved work. With the problems in career choices faced by most people.
By choosing a career should be given special attention. and so as not to make a mistake you need to know their interests, aptitudes and abilities to the types of work or profession. Interests and preferences are extremely important in the selection. The work should be interesting and held in the conditions that are most comfortable.
factor when choosing a career is the prestige of the profession, its demand on the labor market, high wages, a real opportunity to learn a profession. These factors affect the choice of a particular career.
When choosing a career it makes sense to choose the scope of which is connected tems that you love to do in your spare time, if you want it.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Career choice can be described as a choice of life. This choice depends on a lot. In the case of improper selection people exposing themselves to the long years of his time to the work they don't like.With the problems in career choice faced by the majority of the people.
TO career choice should be given special attention. And we did not fail to know their interests,Propensity and ability to the types of work or profession. Interests and Preferences are extremely important in the choice. The work must be interesting and take place in the conditions, which are the most comfortable.
Factor in career choice this prestige profession, its prestige in the labor market, high wages, a real opportunity to obtain profession. It is precisely these factors will have an impact in choosing a career.
In career choice it makes sense to choose the scope, which is linked to companies including BAE Systems, that you love to do in their free time, if you want to be.
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