Значение Бога в философии Августина играет более важную роль, чем в философии Сократа так как с самого начала второй книги Августин обращается к Богу как к самому близкому и высшему существу, что у него есть.: “For love of thy I do this, recalling in the bitterness of self-examination my wicked ways, that thou mayest grow sweet to me, thou sweetness without deception!”Описывая любовь, юность, ошибки, а также увлечение Августина воровством, он каждый раз упоминает Бога, обращаясь к нему на «ты». Это показывает, что именно Бог был всегда с ним, наставляя его на верные шаги, дела, а также заботясь как о самом Августине, так и о его родных. Также Августин перед Богом признавал свои ошибки, оправдывался и понимал, что, несмотря на то, что он совершает преступление, Бог поймет его, потому что он слишком молод.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The value of God in Augustine's philosophy plays a more important role than in the philosophy of Socrates, because from the beginning of the second book, Augustine refers to God as to the nearest and highest merits that he has: "For love of thy I do this, recalling in the bitterness of self-examination my wicked ways, that thou mayest grow sweet to me, thou sweetness without deception!" Describing love, YouTube, bugs, and fascination with Augustine theft, he mentions God, each time turning to him. It shows exactly what God was always with him, instructing him on the right steps, case, as well as caring as the Augustin and his relatives. Augustine also admitted before God their mistakes, made excuses and realized that, despite the fact that he commits the crime, God will understand him because he's too young.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Meaning of God in Augustine's philosophy is more important than the philosophy of Socrates as from the beginning of the second book, Augustine refers to God as the nearest and higher being, that he has a .: "For love of thy I do this, recalling in the bitterness of self-examination my wicked ways, that thou mayest grow sweet to me, thou sweetness without deception! "Describing love, youth, mistakes and fascination with Augustine theft, every time he mentions God, addressing him as" thou " . This shows that it was God who was always with him, instructing him on the right steps, business, as well as caring as the Augustine and his family. Also, before God, Augustine admitted their mistakes, justify and realize that, despite the fact that he commits a crime, God understands it because he was too young.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the importance of god in the philosophy of augustine plays more important role than in the philosophy of socrates as the beginning of the second book of augustine refers to god as the most intimate and higher creature that he has."for love of for i do this, recalling in the bitterness of self - examination, my wicked ways, that thou mayest grow sweet to me, thou sweetness without deception! "when love, youth, errors, as well as with augustine stealing whenever he mentions god, turning to him for you.it shows that god was always with him, admonishing him on the steps, as well as caring as the августине, and about his family. the augustine before god for his mistakes, he apologized and understoodthat, despite the fact that he commits the crime, god will understand him because he's too young.
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