однажды муж и его жена ужина в ресторане и за соседним столиком сидела перевод - однажды муж и его жена ужина в ресторане и за соседним столиком сидела английский как сказать

однажды муж и его жена ужина в рест

однажды муж и его жена ужина в ресторане и за соседним столиком сидела пожилая женщина. молодые люди смотрели друг другу в глаза и заметили, что какая-то женщина смотрит на них с любовью и восхищением. они улыбнулись ей. затем леди подошла к ним и сказала, что девушка очень сильно похожа на ее дочь, которую убили. немного побеседовав с молодыми людьми, женщина попросила их об одолжении. она попросила сказать их "пока мама", когда она будет уходить. супруги не смогли отказать ей и когда женщина уходила, они сказали ей "пока мам". затем к ним подошел официант и принес счет. муж с женой удивились , потому что счет был большой и спросили у официанта почему так получилось. он сказал, что в счет включили и то, что заказала та пожилая женщина. ведь это нормально, когда дети платят за своих родителей
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Once the husband and his wife had dinner in the restaurant and at the next table sat an elderly woman. young people staring into each other's eyes and noticed that a woman looks at them with love and admiration. they smiled to her. then a lady came up to him and said that the girl is very much similar to her daughter that was murdered. a few interviews with young people, the woman asked them a favor. She asked me to tell them "while Mommy" when she will go away. the spouses could not deny her and when she left, they told her "bye mom". then the waiter came up to them and brought to account. husband with wife marveled because the score was great and asked the waiter why it happened. He said that the bill included and that ordered Ta an elderly woman. It's normal for children to pay for their parents
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Once the husband and his wife dinner in the restaurant and at the next table sat an elderly woman. young people looking at each other's eyes and noticed that a woman looks at them with love and admiration. they smiled at her. then a lady came up to him and said that she is very much like her daughter was murdered. bit by talking with young people, the woman asked them for a favor. she asked me to tell them, "while mom" when she will leave. wife could not refuse her, and when she left, they told her, "while mothers". then the waiter brought the bill came up to them. husband and wife were surprised because the expense was great and asked the waiter why it happened. He said that the expense involved and the fact that she has ordered an elderly woman. because it is normal when the children pay for their parents'
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
one day, the husband and his wife to dinner at a restaurant and sat at the table next to an old woman. the young men looked at each other"s eyes, and noticed that a woman looks at them with love and admiration. they smiled at her. then the lady came up to him and said that the girl is very much like her daughter that was killed. a little and when he spoke to the young people, the woman asked them a favor. she asked me to say "bye, mom, when she will leave. the spouses could not refuse her, and when she left, they said to her, "bye, mommy." then came the waiter brought him through. husband and wife were surprised, because the account was a waiter and asked why that happened. he said that the bill included, and ordered the old woman. this is normal, when the children pay for their parents
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