Кто сказал тебе, что университеты бесплатные здесь? Только для тех, кто хорошо сдал экзамены после школы. Половина студентов учатся платно. Как и везде. Зачем государство будет платить за дураков.
Who told you that universities free here? Only those who passed the exams well after school. Half of the students. As everywhere. Why the State will pay for fools.
Who told you that universities here for free? Only for those who are well passed the exams after school. Half of the students studying for a fee. As everywhere. Why should the state pay for fools.
Who said you that universities free here? Only for those who are well passed examinations after school. Half students syllabus. As everywhere else. Why should the state will pay for it.