прежде всего, я хотела бы рассказать о своей бабушке,которую зовут Лид перевод - прежде всего, я хотела бы рассказать о своей бабушке,которую зовут Лид английский как сказать

прежде всего, я хотела бы рассказат

прежде всего, я хотела бы рассказать о своей бабушке,которую зовут Лидия. Она родилась в тысяча девятьсот сороковом году в городе Дмитровск, небольшой деревне Горбуновка.
Моя бабушка пережила страшную дату в истории России - вторую мировую войну. Она была совсем маленькая, поэтому мало помнит о ней. Как она говорила,война сильно повлияла на ее жизнь: приходилось голодать,жить в подвалах. Когда она стала подростком, то ей пришлось бросить учебу и работать в колхозе , где ей оторвало правую руку. Все же, ей удалось потом окончить семь классов школы и поступить в техникум. Кроме того,
за ее жизнь она много путешествовала: ездила в санатории, работала на севере в городе Нефтьюганск,Усмань,видела много городов. Сейчас бабушка живет рядом с нашим домом , она давно на пенсии.
В заключении я хочу сказать , что моя любимая бабушка настоящая труженица, она не боится проблем,всегда помогает нам. Я очень люблю ее и ценю.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
first of all, I would like to talk about his grandmother, whose name Lydia. She was born in, one thousand nine hundred and fortieth year in Dmitrovsk, the small village of Gorbunovka.My grandmother survived the terrible date in the history of Russia-the second world war. She was quite small, so little recollection of it. As she spoke, the war strongly influenced her life: had to starve, live in basements. When she became a teenager, she had to quit school and work in a collective farm, where she tore off his right hand. Still, she managed to complete seven school then and enroll in college. In addition,for her life she travelled a lot: went to sanatoriums, worked in the North in the town of Neft'jugansk, Usman, saw a lot of cities. Now Granny lives next to our home, it is long retired. In conclusion, I wish to say that my favorite Granny real hard worker, she is not afraid of challenges, always helps us. I really love her and appreciate.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
First of all, I would like to tell you about my grandmother, whose name is Lydia. She was born in nineteen hundred and fortieth year in the city Dmitrovsk, a small village Gorbunovka.
My grandmother has survived a terrible date in the history of Russia - the second world war. She was very small, so little remembered about her. As she spoke, the war greatly influenced her life: had to go hungry, to live in basements. When she became a teenager, she had to quit school and work on the farm, where her right hand severed. Yet, she was able then to complete the seven grades of school and go to college. In addition,
for her life she has traveled: went to a sanatorium, she worked in the north of the city Neftyugansk, Usman, seen a lot of cities. Now grandmother lived next to our house, it has long been retired.
In conclusion, I want to say that my beloved grandmother a real hard worker, she is not afraid of problems always helps us. I really love it and appreciate it.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
first of all, i would like to tell you about my grandma, which is called lydia. she was born in the one thousand nine hundred and fortieth year in the town of dmitrovsk, a small village горбуновка.my grandmother had a terrible date in the history of russia - the second world war. she was so little, so little memory of her. as she said, the war had a big impact on her life, had to go hungry, living in the basement. when she was a teenager, she had to leave school and work in a co-operative farm, where she broke his right hand. still, she had then to complete seven school and go to college. in addition, thefor her life, she traveled much, went to a sanatorium, worked in the north of the city нефтьюганск, usman, saw a lot of cities. now grandma lives near our house, she retired.in conclusion, i want to say that my favorite grandmother, a hard worker, but she's not afraid of trouble, always helps us. i really love her and appreciate.
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