Госдума единогласно приняла закон о повышении Минимального размера опл перевод - Госдума единогласно приняла закон о повышении Минимального размера опл английский как сказать

Госдума единогласно приняла закон о

Госдума единогласно приняла закон о повышении Минимального размера оплаты труда с 1 июля 2016 года почти на 21% - до 7500 рублей в месяц. Это чуть ли не единственный «денежный» подарок, который депутаты могут сделать избирателям перед выборами. Но подарком он будет не для всех: у индивидуальных предпринимателей автоматически вырастут страховые взносы, а у некоторых бюджетников могут уменьшиться стимулирующие выплаты.Последний раз минимальную зарплату повышали 1 января 2016 года - до 6204 рублей, что означало её рост на 4% , в результате чего МРОТ в России составил 53,5% от уровня прожиточного минимума трудоспособного населения.
Нынешнее повышение МРОТ на 20,9% приведёт к тому, что МРОТ составит 64,7% от прожиточного минимума.

Минфин объявил о новой пенсионной системе, вводимой с 2018 года. По его словам, система будет призвана перезапустить «замороженные» сейчас накопительные пенсии, но принципиально будет отличаться от них в ключевых моментах.

В рамках нового подхода граждане сами будут определять, сколько станут отчислять на будущую пенсию помимо тех 22%, что за них платит работодатель. Россияне в любом случае смогут рассчитывать на пенсию в 12-13 тысяч рублей, однако любое ее увеличение потребует дополнительных трат со стороны работающих граждан.
Предполагается, что россиянам позволят формировать себе «пенсионный капитал»: особые счета в коммерческих банках или НПФ, которые будут, по уверению чиновника, надежны, так как окажутся защищены теми же средствами, что и нынешние вклады (речь, по всей видимости, идет о системе страхования вкладов АСВ).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The State Duma unanimously passed a law to raise the minimum wage from July 1, 2016 year almost 21%-up to 7500 rubles per month. This is almost the only currency gift that deputies can make voters before the election. But the gift he will not for everyone: individual entrepreneurs will automatically grow the premiums, and some State employees can reduce the incentive payments. the last time the minimum wage increase January 1, 2016 years until 6204 rubles, which meant its growth at 4%, resulting in the SMIC in Russia amounted to 53.5% from the level of minimum living wage of able-bodied population.The present rise in the SMIC at 20.9% will cause the 64.7% of the SMIC will be a living wage. The Finance Ministry announced a new pension system implemented with 2018 year. According to him, the system will be designed to restart frozen now accumulating a pension, but fundamentally will differ from them in key moments.Under the new approach, the citizens themselves will determine how many will contribute to future pension in addition to the 22% that pays for them. In any case, the Russians could count on a pension in 12-13 thousand rubles, but any increase will require additional expenses on the part of employees.It is assumed that the Russians will form a "pension capital": special accounts in commercial banks or NPF that will, according to the official, reliable, as would be protected by the same means as current deposits (it apparently goes on the deposit insurance system, the ACB).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The State Duma unanimously passed legislation to raise the minimum wage from 1 July 2016 by almost 21% - up to 7500 rubles per month. This is almost the only "money" a gift that deputies can make to voters before the election. But he will not be present for all: individual entrepreneurs will automatically increase insurance premiums, and some public sector can decrease incentives vyplaty.Posledny times the minimum wage was raised January 1, 2016 - up to 6204 rubles, which meant that its growth is 4%, resulting in a SMIC in Russia amounted to 53.5% of the subsistence level of the working population.
The current increase the minimum wage by 20.9% lead to the fact that the minimum wage will amount to 64.7% of the subsistence minimum. The Ministry of Finance announced a new pension system, introduced in 2018. According to him, the system is designed to restart the "frozen" is now funded pensions, but fundamentally differs from them in the key points. Under the new approach, citizens themselves will determine how much will deduct on future pension in addition to the 22% that the employer pays for them . The Russians, in any case, be able to count on a pension of 12-13 thousand rubles, but any increase in its demand additional expenses on the part of working people. It is assumed that the Russians will help form a "pension capital": special accounts in commercial banks, or SPF, which will, on official assurance, reliable, as will be protected by the same means as the current deposits (this, apparently, is a DIA deposit insurance system).

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
german unanimously adopted legislation raising the minimum wage on 1 july 2016 almost 21 per cent to 7500 rubles a month. this is almost the only "денежный» gift deputies may make the voters before the election. but a gift he will not for all, individual entrepreneurs, to automatically increase the premiums, and some бюджетников may diminish incentives выплаты.последний times the minimum wage increase on 1 january 2016 to 6204 rubles, which meant that the growth of 4%, resulting in minimum wages in russia was 53.5% from the level of the minimum working age population.the current increase rate was 20.9% will lead to the fact that rate is 64.7% of the subsistence minimum.the treasury department announced the new pension system, introduced to 2018. according to him, the system will restart frozen now fully funded pensions, but it differs from them in key points.in the new approach the citizens themselves will determine how much will contribute to future pension in addition to those 22% that they pay the employer. the russians, in any case could count on a pension in the 12 to 13 thousand roubles, but any increase would require additional spending by the workers.it is assumed that the russians would form a "retirement capital: special accounts in commercial banks or the npf, which will be a single, reliable, so as to be protected by the same means, and current deposits (this, apparently, is the system of deposit insurance асв).
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