1. В последние годы наблюдаются признаки перенапряженности, вы¬разивши перевод - 1. В последние годы наблюдаются признаки перенапряженности, вы¬разивши английский как сказать

1. В последние годы наблюдаются при

1. В последние годы наблюдаются признаки перенапряженности, вы¬разившиеся в постепенной утрате США неприступной позиции по многим ключевым вопросам.
2. Американские аналитики, подвергнув критике идею многополяр¬ного мира, еще раз подчеркнули значимость военной мощи как важнейшего фактора международных отношений.
3. После того как премьер-министр провел совещание, он выступил с речью перед иностранными журналистами.
4. Уделив основное внимание бассейну Тихого океана, докладчик пе¬решел к следующему вопросу.
5. Американский президент прибыл в Брюссель; его сопровождали многочисленные советники и аналитики.
6. Сохранение США лидирующей позиции во многом зависит от спо¬собности руководства страны приспособиться к меняющимся усло¬виям и новой расстановке сил в мире.
7. Встреча на высшем уровне продолжалась четыре часа: премьер-министр задавал многочисленные вопросы, на которые канцлер да¬вал подробнейшие ответы.
8. Интеграционные процессы, развернувшиеся во второй половине XX в., представляют собой новое, специфическое и многомерное явление.
9. Существуют определенные условия, способствующие сближению на международной арене.
10. Принятие решений оценивается как фактор, негативно влияющий на процесс формулирования государственной внешней политики.
11. Обратив внимание на особенности принятия решений в период кризиса, представитель африканских государств перевел обсужде¬ние в новую плоскость.
12. Поскольку повестка дня была исчерпана, делегаты приняли реше¬ние перейти к торжественной части конференции.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. in recent years, there are signs of perenaprâžennosti, you razivšiesâ in the gradual loss of United States impregnable positions on many key issues.2. American analysts, criticizing the idea of mnogopolâr ¬ tion of the world, once again stressed the importance of military strength as a vital factor in international relations.3. after the Prime Minister held a meeting, he delivered a speech to foreign journalists.4. focusing on the Pacific basin rapporteur PE ¬ rešel the next question.5. us President arrives in Brussels; He was accompanied by numerous advisers and analysts.6. the persistence of United States leadership in many ways depends on the competitiveness of the country's leadership of the SPO to adapt to the changing environment of standards and a new arrangement of forces in the world.7. the Summit lasted four hours: the Prime Minister asked numerous questions, to which the Chancellor Yes ¬ Val detailed answers.8. integration processes that unfolded in the second half of the 20th century, represent a new, specific and multidimensional phenomenon.9. There are certain conditions that are conducive to the convergence on the international scene.10. decision-making is a factor that negatively affects the formulation of foreign policy.11. Drawing attention to the features of decision making during the crisis, the representative of African States has translated the discussion of the new plane.12. Since the agenda was exhausted delegates adopted decision ¬ tion to the ceremonial part of the Conference.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. In recent years, there are signs of over-voltage, vy¬razivshiesya in the gradual loss of US impregnable position on many key issues.
2. American analysts, criticizing the idea mnogopolyar¬nogo world, once again stressed the importance of military power as a major factor in international relations.
3. After the Prime Minister held a meeting, he gave a speech to foreign journalists.
4. Focusing on the Pacific Ocean basin, the speaker pe¬reshel to the next question.
5. The American president arrived in Brussels; He was accompanied by numerous advisers and analysts.
6. Saving the US leadership position largely depends on spo¬sobnosti the country's leadership to adapt to changing uslo¬viyam and new alignment of forces in the world.
7. Summit lasted four hours: Prime Minister asked numerous questions that Chancellor da¬val detailed answers.
8. Integration processes that unfolded in the second half of the XX century. Represent a new, specific and multidimensional phenomenon.
9. There are certain conditions that promote convergence in the international arena.
10. Decision-making is estimated as a factor negatively affecting the process of formulating the state's foreign policy.
11. Drawing attention to the peculiarities of the decision-making in times of crisis, a representative of the African obsuzhde¬nie transferred to a new level.
12. Since the agenda has been exhausted, the delegates adopted reshe¬nie go to the official part of the conference.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. In recent years, there have been signs перенапряженности, you¬разившиеся in the gradual loss of U.S. fortress positions on many of the key issues.
2. American analysts,By subjecting criticized the idea многополяр¬industrial peace, once again emphasized the significance military strength as the most important factor in international relations.
3. After the prime minister held a meeting,He made a speech before the foreign journalists.
4. Focusing on the Pacific Ocean basin, rapporteur pe¬решел to the next issue.
5. President of the United States arrived in Brussels.He was accompanied by many advisers and analysts.
6. The U.S. leadership position in many ways depends on the TPMS¬full involvement of the country's industrialization to adjust to changing¬ensue and a new balance of power in the world.
7.The summit lasted four hours: the prime minister asked numerous questions, to which the chancellor yes¬shaft highly detailed answers.
8. Integration processes, which unfolded in the second half of the twentieth in.,represent a new, specific and multidimensional phenomenon.
9. There are certain conditions that promote rapprochement on the international scene.
10. Decision-making is estimated as a factor,adversely affecting the process of formulating public policy.
11. After drawing attention to the particular decision-making process in the period of the crisis,A representative of African States has transferred discussion¬confirmed in a new plane.
12. Since the agenda was exhausted, delegates adopted decision underscoring of go to a solemn part of the conference.
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