Лук спасет от вредного воздействия сигаретКроме уже выявленного вредно перевод - Лук спасет от вредного воздействия сигаретКроме уже выявленного вредно английский как сказать

Лук спасет от вредного воздействия

Лук спасет от вредного воздействия сигарет
Кроме уже выявленного вредного воздействия на организм, курение также способствует развитию разных видов артрита, в частности, ревматоидного артрита. Такие выводы были сделаны учеными в результате исследований, проведенных с участием более 2000 человек.

В Стокгольме было опрошено 1200 человек с выраженными формами ревматоидного артрита, а также 900 человек, которые признаков заболевания не имеют. Как показали результаты исследования, у заядлых курильщиков тест на антитела, связанные с этим заболеванием, давал положительный результат в два с половиной раза чаще. Заядлыми курильщиками считались люди, которые выкуривали не менее 20 сигарет на протяжении не менее 20 лет. Как показали дальнейшие исследования, риск развития заболевания снижался, если человек бросал курить.

Другой группой ученых было выявлено, что от развития различных форм артрита может защитить человеческий организм употребление лука и чеснока. В исследовании принимали участие 1000 здоровых близнецов, которые не имели признаков различных видов артрита. В ходе исследования эксперты проанализировали рацион близнецов, а также подвергли сканированию их кости с помощью рентгена, который показал ранние признаки остеоартрита у некоторых участников.

Как оказалось при анализе полученной информации, люди, которые регулярно употребляли лук и чеснок в пищу, имели меньше признаков артрита в определенных суставах. Это натолкнуло ученых на мысль исследовать соединения элементов в чесноке. В нем было выявлено соединение под названием диаллиловый дисульфид – оно снижает объем энзимов, которые травмируют хрящи.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Onion will save from the harmful effects of cigarettesIn addition to the identified harmful effects on the body, smoking also contributes to the development of different types of arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Such were the findings by scientists in studies involving more than 2000 people. In Stockholm 1200 people were interviewed with acute forms of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as 900 people who have no symptoms of disease. Results of the study showed that heavy smokers have antibody test associated with the disease, gave a positive result in the two-and-a-half times more likely. Smokers were considered people who did no less than 20 cigarettes for at least 20 years. Further studies have shown that the risk of developing the disease declined, if a man was throwing smoke. Another group of scientists found that the development of different forms of arthritis can protect human body use onions and garlic. The study was attended by 1000 healthy twins, who did not have signs of different types of arthritis. In the course of the study, the experts analysed the diets of twins, as well as subjected to scanning their bones using x-ray, which showed early signs of osteoarthritis in some participants. As it turned out in the analysis of the information received, people who regularly ate onions and garlic in your food, had fewer signs of arthritis in certain joints. This led scientists to believe explore connections elements in garlic. It was revealed a connection called diallilovyj disulfide-it reduces the amount of enzymes that damage the cartilage.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Bow rescue from the harmful effects of cigarette
Besides the already revealed adverse effects on the body, smoking also contributes to different kinds of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis. These findings were made ​​by scientists from research conducted with the participation of more than 2,000 people. In Stockholm, were interviewed 1200 people with severe forms of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as 900 people who have no signs of disease. As the results of the study, heavy smokers test for antibodies associated with the disease, gave positive results in two and a half times more likely. Heavy smokers were considered people who smoked at least 20 cigarettes for at least 20 years. As shown by further studies, the risk of developing the disease was reduced when people stop smoking. Another group of researchers found that the development of various forms of arthritis can protect the human body is the use of onions and garlic. The study involved 1,000 healthy twins who had no symptoms of different types of arthritis. In the study, experts analyzed the diet of the twins, and was subjected to scanning their bones with the help of X-rays, which showed early signs of osteoarthritis in some participants. As it turned out in the analysis of the information received, people who regularly eat onions and garlic in food, had fewer symptoms of arthritis in certain joints. This led scientists to explore the idea of combining the elements in garlic. It was found a compound called diallyl disulphide under - it reduces the amount of enzymes that injure the cartilage.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the bow will save from the harmful effects of smoking. in addition to found the harmful effects on the body, smoking also contributes to the development of different types of arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis.such were the findings from studies conducted with the participation of more than 2000.

in stockholm was surveyed 1200 with pronounced forms of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as a 900 manwho have no signs of the disease. according to the results of the study, heavy smokers test for antibodies associated with the disease, gave a positive result in the two and a half times.заядлыми likely were people who smoked at least 20 cigarettes for at least twenty years. further studies have shown that the risk of the disease decreased, if people quit smoking.

another group of scientists found that, from the development of various forms of arthritis that can protect the human body consumption of onions and garlic. the study involved 1000 healthy twinswho had no evidence of different types of arthritis. the study experts analysed the ration of the twins, and have their bone scanning with x-ray.who showed early signs of остеоартрита some participants.

appeared in the analysis of the information received, people who regularly use onion and garlic in the food.there were fewer signs of arthritis in certain joints. this prompted some scientists to explore the idea of components in the garlic.it had identified compound called диаллиловый дисульфид is it reduces the amount of enzymes, which traumatized cartilage.
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