Современный этап развития отличает активным использованием IT- техноло перевод - Современный этап развития отличает активным использованием IT- техноло английский как сказать

Современный этап развития отличает

Современный этап развития отличает активным использованием IT- технологий в управлении, в бухгалтерском учёте это отражается на скорости получения, обработки и передачи необходимой управленческой информации, глубине её аналитичности, укреплении конкурентоспособности и финансового состояния предприятия. Совершенствование организации бухгалтерского учёта невозможно осуществлять без формализации учётных процедур, на которую влияют отраслевые особенности и масштабы бизнеса. На небольших предприятиях проектируемые УП осуществляются внутри бухгалтерской службы (локальные процессы). В крупных компаниях, где наблюдается высокая степень компьютеризации и автоматизации управления и производства, бухгалтерский учёт включен в общую систему управления и учётные процессы имеют сквозной характер.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The present stage of development is distinguished by the active use of information technologies in management, accounting, this affects the speed of obtaining, processing and transmission of the necessary management information, the depth of its analytical, strengthening competitiveness and financial condition of the enterprise. Improvement of accounting cannot be implemented without the formalization of accounting procedures, which affect industrial specifics and scope of business. At small enterprises planned YN implemented within accounting services (local). In larger companies, where there is a high degree of computerization and automation of management and accounting, production is included in the overall management and accounting processes are cross-cutting in nature.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The current stage of development of distinguished active use of IT- technologies in control, in accounting is reflected in the rate of production, processing and transmission of the necessary administrative information, the depth of its analytic, and strengthening the competitiveness of the financial condition of the company. Improved organization of accounting can not be achieved without the formalization of accounting procedures, which affect the industry characteristics and scale of the business. In small enterprises UP projected take place within the accounting department (local processes). In large companies, where there is a high degree of computerization and automation of management and production accounting is included in the overall management and usernames processes are cross-cutting.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

the modern stage of development is the extensive use of computer technology in the management, in the accounting, it is the speed of acquisition, processing and transmission of the necessary management information
the modern stage of development is the extensive use of computer technology in the management, in the accounting, it is the speed of acquisition, processing and transmission of the necessary management information
the modern stage of development is the extensive use of computer technology in the management, in the accounting, it is the speed of acquisition, processing and transmission of the necessary management informationthe depth of her аналитичности, strengthening the competitiveness and the financial condition of the enterprise. improving the organization of accounting cannot be carried out without the formalization of accounting procedureswhich affect the industry characteristics and the scope of business. in small businesses проектируемые cb is carried out within the accounting service (local processes). in large companies.where there is a high degree of computerization and automation of management and production, the accountancy is included in the overall management system and makes processes are cross cutting nature.
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