He was the founder of the realis­tic American novel of the present day перевод - He was the founder of the realis­tic American novel of the present day английский как сказать

He was the founder of the realis­ti

He was the founder of the realis­tic American novel of the present day. Mark Twain wrote such famous novels as «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer», «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn», «The Prince and the Pauper» and many others. He was also a great short story writer.Mark Twain's real name was Samuel Clemens. He was born in 1835 in a small village on the Mississippi River. His father died when Sam was twelve years old, and the 'boy had to work to support the family. All his life Twain liked to read. He spent all his free time in libraries and read the works of such famous authors as Shakespeare, Dickens, Servantes, Voltaire and others. Later he became a pilot of a steamship on the Mississippi. There he learned much about men. His pen-name — Mark Twain — comes from that period of his life. It means «mark two». Much later he became a journalist, and then a famous writer known all over the world. There is much humour in most of Mark Twain's works. But there is also social criticism and satire.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
He was the founder of the realistic American novel of the present day. Mark Twain wrote such famous novels as «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer», «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn», «The Prince and the Pauper» and many others. He was also a great short story writer.<br><br>Mark Twain's real name was Samuel Clemens. He was born in 1835 in a small village on the Mississippi River. His father died when Sam was twelve years old, and the 'boy had to work to support the family. All his life Twain liked to read. He spent all his free time in libraries and read the works of such famous authors as Shakespeare, Dickens, Servantes, Voltaire and others. Later he became a pilot of a steamship on the Mississippi. There he learned much about men. His pen-name — Mark Twain — comes from that period of his life. It means «mark two». Much later he became a journalist, and then a famous writer known all over the world. There is much humour in most of Mark Twain's works. But there is also social criticism and satire.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
He was the founder of the realistic American novel of the present day. Mark Twain wrote such famous novels as "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," "The Prince and the Pauper" and many others. He was also a great short story writer.<br><br>Mark Twain's real name was Samuel Clemens. He was born in 1835 in a small village on the Mississippi River. His father died when Sam was twelve years old, and the 'boy had to work to support the family'. All his life Twain liked to read. He spent all his free time in libraries and read the works of such famous authors as Shakespeare, Dickens, Servantes, Voltaire and others. Later he became a pilot of a steamship on the Mississippi. There he learned a lot about men. His pen-name - Mark Twain - comes from that period of his life. It means "mark two." Much later he became a journalist, and then a famous writer known all over the world. There is much humour in most of Mark Twain's works. But there is also social criticism and satire.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Он-настоящий американский роман, основанный на сегодняшнем дне. Марк Твен написал такие известные романы, как”Приключения Тома Сойера“,”Приключения Гекльберри Финна“,”Принц и нищий " и многие другие. Он также является великим краткосрочным историческим писателем.<br>Настоящее имя Марка Твена было Сэмюэл Клементс. Он родился в 1835 году в маленькой деревушке на реке миссиппи. Сэм работал с мальчиком в течение двух лет, когда его отец умер, чтобы поддержать свою семью. Его жизнь похожа на чтение. Он проводил все свое свободное время в библиотеке и читал эти машины как Шекспира, Диккенса, серванта, Вольтера и других. Он-хорошая картина в миссиппи степ. Он многое узнал о мужчинах. Его псевдоним Марк Твен происходит из эпохи его жизни. Это означает "отметка два". После этого он стал журналистом, а затем писателем-фермером, знавшим все на свете. Есть много людей, работающих большую часть работы Марка Твена. Но существуют также социальные кризисы и страдания.<br>
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