3. Переведите на английский язык, используя Present Continuous, Present Indefinite или Present Perfect:
1. Надень пальто и шапку. На улице холодно, дует сильный ветер. 2. Видишь человека на углу? Он на нас смотрит. 3. Сегодня на обед придет Елена. – Я давно ее не видела. Она очень изменилась? – Не очень. 4. Когда учитель объясняет новое правило, он обычно пишет на доске примеры. 5. Ты что-нибудь слышишь? – Я слушаю внимательно, но ничего не слышу. 6. Ты читал эту книгу, отец? – От корки (cover) до корки. Хорошая книга, я собираюсь прочесть ее еще раз. 7. Кто только что вышел из комнаты? – Не знаю, я никого не заметил. 8. По дороге на работу я обычно встречаю детей, которые идут в школу. 9. Я думаю, вам нужно выпить горячего кофе, прежде чем вы уйдете. Вечер такой холодный. 10. Ты видела Мэри сегодня? – Нет, она больна. Она больна уже десять дней. 11. Что ты собираешься делать после занятий? – Хочу пойти в кино. – Не уходи без меня, подожди, пока я тебе позвоню. – Хорошо. 12. Вы ходили в кино на этой неделе? – Нет, я очень занята последнее время. – Вы должны посмотреть новый фильм, он вам, наверняка, понравится. 13. Вы часто ходите в театр? – Да, довольно часто, и сегодня иду. 14. Мы давно его не видели. Нелли говорит, что он очень изменился. 15. Я очень рада, что вы пришли. Вы всегда приносите хорошие новости. 16. Сегодня мы играем в теннис, Никки и я. 17. Они уже уехали? Нет, они уезжают трехчасовым поездом. 18. Есть у вас вопросы? Вы все поняли, что я вам объяснила? – Спасибо, все ясно.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
3. switch to the English language, using the Present Continuous, Present Plural or Present Perfect:1. Put on your coat and hat. It is cold outside, blowing a strong breeze. 2. you see the man on the corner? He looks at us. 3. Elena comes today for lunch. I haven't seen her for a long time. She really changed? -Not really. 4. When the teacher explains the new rule, he usually writes on the Blackboard are examples. 5. Did you hear something? I listen closely, but hear nothing. 6. Have you read this book, father? -(Cover) from cover to cover. A good book, I'm going to read it again. 7. Who's just walked out of the room? -I do not know, I did not noticed. 8. On the way to work I usually come across children who go to school. 9. I think you need to drink hot coffee before you leave. This cold evening. 10. Have you seen Mary today? -No, she's sick. She was ill for ten days. 11. What are you going to do after class? -Want to go to the movies. -Don't go without me, wait until I call you. -Good. 12. Did you go to the cinema this week? -No, I'm very busy recently. -You should see the new movie, you will love. 13. Do you often go to the theatre? -Yes, quite often, and today I go to. 14. We have not seen him for a long time. Nelly says he has changed. 15. I am very happy that you came. You always bring good news. 16. Today we play tennis, Nikki and I. 17. They had already left? No, they leave trehčasovym train. 18. Do you have questions? You all understand what I explained to you? -Thanks, all clear.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
3. Turn on the English language, using the Present Continuous, Present Indefinite or Present Perfect:
1. Put on your coat and hat. It's cold, strong wind. 2. You see a person on the corner? He looks at us. 3. Today, lunch will Elena. - I have not seen her for a long time. She changed a lot? - Not really. 4. When the teacher explains the new rule, he usually writes on the board examples. 5. Do you hear something? - I listen carefully, but did not hear anything. 6. Have you read this book, my father? - From cover (cover) to cover. A good book, I'm going to read it again. 7. Who just stepped out of the room? - I do not know, I did not notice it. 8. On the way to work I usually meet the children who go to school. 9. I think you need to drink hot coffee before you leave. The evening so cold. 10. Have you seen Mary today? - No, she's sick. She was ill for ten days. 11. What are you going to do after school? - I want to go to the movies. - Do not leave without me, wait until I call you. - Good. 12. Did you go to the cinema this week? - No, I'm very busy lately. - You should see the new film, he will surely enjoy. 13. Do you often go to the theater? - Yes, quite often, and today I am going. 14. We have long not seen him. Nelly says that he has changed a lot. 15. I am very glad that you came. You always bring good news. 16. Today, we play tennis, Nikki and me. 17. They have already left? No, they leave three hours by train. 18. you have any questions? You understand what I explained to you? - Thank you, all is clear.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
3. translate into english, using the present continuous, the present Indefinite or present perfect:1. put on your coat and hat. it"s cold outside, the wind. 2. can you see the man in the corner? he"s looking at us. 3. today at lunch is elena. - i"ve never met her. she"s really changed? - not very. 4. when the teacher explains the new rule, he usually writes on a blackboard examples. 5. can you hear anything? i"m listening to you, but i can"t hear anything. 6. have you read this book, father? - cover (cover) to cover. a good book, i"m going to read it again. 7. who just walked out of the room? - i don"t know, i don"t see anyone. 8. on the way to work i usually meet children who go to school. 9. i think you need to drink a cup of hot coffee before you leave. night so cold. 10. did you see mary today? - no, she"s sick. she was ill for ten days. 11. what are you going to do after school? - i want to go to the movies. - don"t leave without me, wait till i call you. - all right. 12. did you go to the cinema this week? - no, i"m very busy lately. - you should see the new movie, you will love. 13. do you often go to the theatre? - yes, quite often, and i"m going out tonight. 14. we have not seen him recently. nelly said that he"s really changed. 15. i"m very glad you came. you always bring good news. 16. today, we play tennis, nikki and i. 17. they"ve gone? no, they"re going трехчасовым train. 18. do you have questions? do you all understand what i tell you? - thank you, all right.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..