Профессия бухгалтера - одна из самых распространенных и востребованных перевод - Профессия бухгалтера - одна из самых распространенных и востребованных английский как сказать

Профессия бухгалтера - одна из самы

Профессия бухгалтера - одна из самых распространенных и востребованных, как во всем мире, так и в России. Это и понятно. Ведь ни одно предприятие сегодня не может обойтись без бухгалтерии, как способа документального ведения хозяйственного учета. Это происходит по двум причинам. Во-первых, ведение данного учета - требование российского законодательства. Во-вторых, это в интересах самой организации: в рамках бухгалтерского учета формируется информация о деятельности компании.
Следовательно, грамотное его ведение может помочь предвидеть многие проблемы финансового и управленческого характера, возникающие в процессе работы. Мне кажется, что именно эта профессия мне ближе всего, так как мне нравятся такие науки как математика и экономика.
Вообще я считаю, что люди этой профессии должны быть, прежде всего, терпеливыми, честными, аккуратными, эмоционально-психически устойчивыми, справедливыми, целеустремлёнными, ответственными и организованными, потому что несвоевременная сдача отчета или потеря какого-нибудь документа может дорого обойтись компании. Кроме того, он должен любить цифры, с ними ему придется сталкиваться ежедневно, а ошибка может оказаться роковой. Также необходимы высокая концентрация внимания, скрупулезность и усидчивость. Неплохо иметь хорошую память и, самое главное, нужно уметь молчать, так как нередко бухгалтеру приходится хранить коммерческую тайну.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]

Accounting profession - one of the most popular and sought after, as all over the world and in Russia. This is understandable. After all, no company today can not do without accountingas a way of doing a documentary of the economic account. This occurs for two reasons. First, the conduct of the account - a requirement of the Russian legislation. Secondly, it is in the interests of the organization:within the accounting information is generated about the company.
Consequently, its competent management can help to anticipate many of the problems of the financial and managerialarise in the process. I think that this is the profession closest to me, since I like such sciences as mathematics and economics.
In general, I believe that the people of this profession should be, above all,patient, honest, accurate, emotional and mental stability, fair, motivated, responsible and organized,because the delayed delivery of the report or the loss of any document can be costly for the company. In addition, he must love numbers, with them he would have to face every day,and the error can be fatal. Also needed are high concentration, perseverance and thoroughness. Nice to have a good memory, and, most importantly, we must be able to remain silent,as is often the accountant has to keep commercial secrets.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The profession of the accountant is one of the most common and popular, both in the world and in Russia. This is understandable. After all, no company today can survive without accounting, as a way of documenting the economic accounting. This happens for two reasons. Firstly, the maintenance of the accounting requirements of Russian legislation. Secondly, it is in the best interest of the Organization itself: the accounting information is generated about the company.
Therefore, proper maintenance can help it anticipate many problems of financial and management issues, arising in the course of work. It seems to me that this is the profession I closest thing because I like science such as mathematics and economics.
I believe that people of the profession must be, above all, patient, honest, accurate, emotional, mentally stable, fair, responsible and organized, deliberate, because of the late submission of the report or the loss of a document can be costly to the company. In addition, he must love the figures he'll have to deal with them on a daily basis, a mistake can prove to be fatal. Also requires high concentration, dedication and perseverance. Nice to have a good memory and most importantly, you have to be able to keep silent, because often the accountant has to keep a trade secret.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Profession accountant is one of the most common and callable, both in the world and in Russia. This is understandable. It is no business today can do without accounting,As a way of documenting accounting. This occurs for two reasons. First, the accounting is a requirement of law. Secondly, this is in the interests of the organization.The accounting information is generated on the activities of a company.
thus, imprinted its maintenance can help to foresee many problems of a financial and managerial nature,arising in the process of work. It seems to me that that is the profession i closest, as I like such science as mathematics and economics.
i think that people that profession must be, first and foremost,Patiently, honest, neat, emotionally and mentally stable, fair, dedicated, responsible and organized,Because that late delivery report or the loss of any document may prove costly to companies. In addition, he must love numbers, with them it will have to face every day,And the error can be fatal. Also needed high concentration, thoroughness and усидчивость. I have a good memory, and, most importantly, you need to be able to remain silent,So it is often tax attorneys have to store commercial secrets.
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