Микеланджело архитектор , но сегодня известен как скульптор, живописец перевод - Микеланджело архитектор , но сегодня известен как скульптор, живописец английский как сказать

Микеланджело архитектор , но сегодн

Микеланджело архитектор , но сегодня известен как скульптор, живописец и чертежник . Сикстинской Капелла в Ватикане вложил вклад в окончательный дизайн и постройку храма Св. Петра . Все же флорентийский художник потратил большую част своей долгой карьеры, занимаясь архитектурой — он посвятил 18 лет одному только храму Св. Петра .
Микеланджело первоначально обучался на живописца, но создатель потолка Сикстинской Капеллы отрицал, что это было — или когда-либо вообще было по-настоящему — его призванием.Его пригласили взяться за дизайн для Библиотеки Св.Лаврентия в 1524, он предупредил: "Faro cio che io sapro, benche non sia mia professione" — я сделаю все, что я могу, хотя это не моя профессия. Хотя художник уничтожил многие свои рисунки перед своей смертью в феврале 1564, значительное число архитектурных чертежей избежало огня. Без них мы имели бы смутное представление о его очень нетрадиционных методах работы.Когда его попросили в 1515 участвовать в проектировании фасада для церкви Св.Лаврентия во Флоренции, к зданию которой была бы позже добавлена Библиотека св.Лаврентия, Микеланджело признался, что ему недоставало опыта в таком виде проектирования. Микеланджело работал один, защищая свое независимое положение и никогда, как он сам говорил о себе, "никаким не живописцем или скульптором с собственной студией. " Убежденный, что понимание человеческого тела было необходимым умением в архитектуре как в изобразительном искусстве, художник приступал к дизайну произведений архитектуры почти так же, как он делал бы предварительный эскиз. Вместо того, чтобы начинать с простого наброска "идеи" и дорабатывать более подробно и точно рисунки на следующих листках бумаги, Микеланджело как правило делал начальный эскиз и затем неоднократно пририсовывал что-то поверх него, создавая своего рода многослойный рисунок, по мере того, как развивались его идеи. Бумага была дорогая, и художник был очень практичным, таким образом, каждый используемый листок бумаги, включая его собственные черновики писем и те письма, которые он получал от других, были покрыты с обеих сторон его рисунками. Эффективно воспроизведя архитектурные произведения на бумаге, он затем делал модель из глины или воска точно такую же, какую он делал для скульптуры. Хотя художник изучал классические здания и их декоративные элементы, его подход не был археологическим, поскольку он считал их важными средствами для окончания создания чего-то нового. Правила, когда он с ними сталкивался, даже если они были установлены еще в античность, непременно должны были быть нарушены, а он и нарушал, часто к удивлению и испугу своих современников. Кроме того его применение скульптурных методов в моделировании зданий и его манипуляции с пространством, светом и тенью помогло сломать границу между конструкцией и художественным оформлением, придавая новое значение свободе. Понадобилось время, чтобы полностью понять эти уроки, и причудливые строители Бернини и Борромини, были его первыми истинными учениками.
Именно Бернини сказал о нем: "Он был великим скульптором и живописцем, но архитектором он был от Бога.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Michelangelo the architect, but today is known as a sculptor, painter and draftsman. The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican invested contribution to the final design and construction of the Church. Peter. Still, the Florentine artist spent most part of his long career, studying architecture, he devoted 18 years to one only of the Church of St. Peter.Michelangelo originally studied at painter, creator of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but denied that it was is or ever was truly his calling. He was invited to take up the design for the library of St. Lawrence in 1524, he warned: "cio che io Faro sapro, benche non sia mia professione" — I will do all I can, although it is not my profession. Although the artist destroyed many of his drawings before his death in February 1564, a large number of architectural drawings escaped the fire. Without them we would have had a vague idea of it very unconventional practices. in 1515 when asked to participate in designing the façade for the Church of St. Lawrence in Florence, to the building which was later added the library of St Lawrence, Michelangelo has admitted that his lack of experience in this form of design. Michelangelo worked alone to protect its independent position and never, as he talked about himself, "no not a painter or a sculptor's Studio." Convinced that understanding the human body was a necessary skill in architecture as in art, the artist started to design works of architecture in much the same way as it would make a preliminarysketch. Rather than begin with a simple outline of the "ideas" and further develop a more detailed and precise drawings on the following sheets of paper, Michelangelo is usually done the initial sketch and then the National Basketball Association has something on top of it, creating a sort of multi-layered figure, as his ideas evolved. Paper was expensive, and the artist was very practical, so every piece of paper was used, including its own drafts of letters and the letters he received from others, both sides were covered with his drawings. Effectively reproduce the architectural works on paper, he then made a model out of clay or wax is exactly the same as it did for the sculpture. Although he studied classical buildings and their decorations, his approach had been to archaeological, because it considered them important tools for the creation of something new. The rules, when he clashed with them, even if they were set back in antiquity, necessarily had to be broken, and he violated, often to the amazement and fright of his contemporaries. In addition the use of sculptural techniques in modeling of buildings and its manipulation with space, light and shadow has helped break down the boundaries between design and decoration, giving new meaning to freedom. It took the time to fully understand these lessons, and bizarre builders of Bernini and Borromini, were his first true disciples.It was Bernini said about him: "he was a great sculptor and painter, but he was the architect of God.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Michelangelo architect, but today is known as a sculptor, painter and draftsman. Sistine Chapel in the Vatican invested contribution to the final design and construction of the church of St.. Peter. Yet Florentine artist spent most of his long career, doing architecture - he devoted 18 years only one church of St.. Peter.
Michelangelo was originally studied at the painter, but the creator of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel denied that it was - or ever was generally Therefore really - it prizvaniem.Ego invited to take up the design for the Library of St. Lawrence in 1524, he warned: "Faro cio che io sapro, benche non sia mia professione" - I'll do what I can, although it is not my profession. Although the artist has destroyed many of his drawings before his death in February 1564, a significant number of architectural drawings escaped the fire. Without them, we would have a vague idea of his very unconventional methods raboty.Kogda he was asked in 1515 to participate in the design of the facade of the church of St. Lawrence in Florence, to the building which would later be added to the Library St. Lawrence, Michelangelo admitted that he lacked experience in such a design. Michelangelo worked alone, protecting their independent status, and never, as he said of himself, "no way a painter or a sculptor with his own studio." Convinced that an understanding of the human body was a necessary skill in architecture as a fine art, the artist proceeded to design works architecture almost as much as he would do a preliminary sketch. Instead of starting with a simple outline of the "ideas" and modify detail and exact figures on these pieces of paper, Michelangelo usually do the initial sketch and then repeatedly pririsovyvat something on top of it, creating a kind of multi-layered design, as it is developed his ideas. Paper was expensive, and the artist was very practical, so each piece of paper used, including his own drafts of letters and the letters he received from others, were covered on both sides with his drawings. Effectively reproducing architectural works on paper, he then made ​​a model from clay or wax exactly the same, what he did for the sculpture. Although the artist has studied classical buildings and decorative elements, his approach was not archaeological, because he regarded them as an important means to the end of creating something new. Right when he came across them, even if they were established in antiquity, certainly had to be broken, and he broke, often to the surprise and dismay of his contemporaries. Besides its use of sculptural techniques in modeling of buildings and its manipulation of space, light and shade helped break down the boundary between design and decoration, giving new meaning freedom. It took a while to fully understand these lessons, and whimsical Bernini and Borromini builders, were his first true disciples.
It Bernini said of him: "He was a great sculptor and painter, but he was the architect of God.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Michelangelo architect , but today is known as collections, exhibitions and designer . Sistine Capella in the Vatican has gone to the final design and construction the temple of St. Peter .The same florentine artist has spent more freq its long career, engaging in architecture - he has devoted 18 years only one temple St. Peter's .
Michelangelo originally trained at the new millenium,
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