Любимый, я никогда не забуду вкус твоих нежных губ, которые так сладостно прикасались ко мне. Каждое мгновенье, проведенное с тобой, навсегда останется в моей памяти. Я счастлива, что однажды повстречала такого мужчину, который дал мне почувствовать себя настоящей женщиной – ласковой и нежной, ранимой и откровенной, капризной и мудрой. В твоих руках я забываю обо всем и ощущаю себя маленькой девочкой, которой восхищаются и дорожат. В моих мыслях ты всегда рядом со мной, невзирая на все преграды и расстояния. Я слышу твой голос, чувствую твое дыхание и растворяюсь в мечтах. Мой хороший, ты бесконечно дорог мне, я безумно по тебе соскучилась.....
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Beloved, I will never forget the taste of your lips, tender sweet touch to me. Every moment spent with you will remain in my memory forever. I'm happy that once met this man, who gave me the feel like a real woman, affectionate and gentle, vulnerable and candid, capricious and wise. In your hands I forget about everything and feel a little girl which is admired and cherished. In my mind you are always with me, in spite of all the obstacles and distance. I hear your voice, feel your breathing and dissolve in dreams. My good you are infinitely dear to me, I miss you terribly ...
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Darling, I will never forget the taste of your tender lips that touched so sweet to me. Every moment spent with you will remain forever in my memory. I am happy that once met a man who made me feel like a real woman - tender and gentle, vulnerable and candid, whimsical and wise. In your arms I forget about everything and I feel like a little girl, admired and cherished. In my mind you're always next to me, despite all the obstacles and distance. I hear your voice, feel your breath and dissolve in dreams. My good, you're very dear to me, I'm really miss you .....
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Dear, I never shall forget the taste of your gentle lips which so sladostno prikasalis to me. Every mgnovene carried out with you, once for all will stay in my memory. I happy that once povstrechala such man ,Who gave to me to feel by ourselves present woman – gentle and gentle, ranimoi and candid, capricious and wise. In your hands I forget obo by everything and feel by ourselves small girl whom admire and dorozhat.In my ideas you always by row with me, nevziraya on all barricades and distances. I hear your voice, sense your breath and am dissolved in dreams. My good, you endlessly of highways to me, I frantically as to you soskuchilas.....
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