PlayStation игровая приставка пятого поколения, разработанная компание перевод - PlayStation игровая приставка пятого поколения, разработанная компание английский как сказать

PlayStation игровая приставка пятог

PlayStation игровая приставка пятого поколения, разработанная компанией Sony Computer Entertainment под руководством Кэна Кутараги. Релиз консоли состоялся 3 декабря 1994 года в Японии,[1] в США приставка появилась 9 сентября 1995 года, а в Европе — 29 сентября 1995 года.
Первые концептуальные идеи, касающиеся PlayStation, датируются 1986 годом. Nintendo делала попытки применения дисков начиная с Famicom , но с носителем были проблемы. Запись, сделанная на магнитном диске, легко стиралась, кроме того, возникала опасность пиратского копирования. Поэтому когда появилась спецификация CD-ROM/XA (расширение стандарта CD-ROM, позволяющее записывать на диск как сжатый звук так и произвольные двоичные данные), Nintendo заинтересовалась им. CD-ROM/XA разрабатывался Sony и Philips.
Производство консоли продолжалось 11 лет, и это стало одним из самых длительных периодов производства в индустрии видеоигр. Всего было продано более 100 млн консолей.
PlayStation VR проект компании Sony по созданию собственного шлема виртуальной реальности для консоли PlayStation 4. 5,7-дюймовый OLED-экран
Трехмерное гиперреалистичное окружение оживает перед вашими глазами благодаря пользовательскому OLED-экрану.
Обзор на 360 градусов
Эффект погружения на PS VR с обзором на 360 градусов позволит вам стать частью живого мира с бесшовным полем обзора.
120 кадров в секунду
Плавная визуализация и необычайно низкое время задержки поможет погрузиться в захватывающие игровые миры.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Fifth-generation game console PlayStation, developed by Sony Computer Entertainment, under the leadership of Ken Kutaragi. Console release was held on December 3, 1994 year in Japan, [1] United States console appeared September 9, 1995 onwards and in Europe — September 29, 1995 year.The first conceptual ideas regarding the PlayStation date back to the year 1986. Nintendo tried to use disks since the Famicom, but had problems with the media. Rewritable magnetic disk easily blurred, moreover, the risk of piracy. So when there was a specification for CD-ROM/XA (standard CD-ROM extension that can write to disk as compressed audio and arbitrary binary data), Nintendo became interested in them. CD-ROM/XA was being developed by Sony and Philips.Console production lasted 11 years, and this was one of the longest periods of production in the video game industry. Total has sold over 100 million consoles.PlayStation VR project at Sony to building your own virtual reality helmet for the console PlayStation 4. 5.7-inch OLED screen3D giperrealistichnoe environment comes to life before your eyes user OLED screen.Review at 360 degreesEffect of immersion on the PS VR with 360-degree overview allows you to become part of the living world with a seamless field of view.120 FPSSmooth rendering and extremely low latency will help immerse yourself in an exciting game worlds.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
PlayStation game console of the fifth generation, developed by Sony Computer Entertainment under the direction of Ken Kutaragi. The release of the console was held December 3, 1994 in Japan, [1] in the United States came prefix September 9, 1995, and in Europe -. September 29, 1995
The first conceptual ideas for the PlayStation, date back to 1986. Nintendo made attempts to use disks since the Famicom, but the carrier had problems. A recording made on a magnetic disk, easy to wash, moreover, there is the danger of piracy. So when there was a specification CD-ROM / XA (an extension of the standard CD-ROM, allows you to record to disk as compressed audio and arbitrary binary data), Nintendo became interested in them. CD-ROM / XA developed by Sony and Philips.
Console Production continued for 11 years, and it became one of the longest periods of production in the video game industry. Total has sold over 100 million consoles.
The PlayStation the VR of the Sony project is to create your own virtual reality helmet for the console PlayStation 4. 5,7-inch OLED-screen
three-dimensional hyper-realistic environment comes to life before your eyes thanks to the user-the OLED screen.
Browse 360 degrees
Effect PS VR dive with a 360 degrees will allow you to become a part of the living world with seamless field of view.
120 fps
Smooth visualization and extremely low latency helps to plunge into the exciting game worlds.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the fifth generation of the playstation video game console, developed by sony computer entertainment, under the leadership of doesn кутараги. release of the console was held on december 3, 1994 in japan, [1] in the us, the show on september 9, 1995, and in europe on september 29, 1995.the first conceptual ideas on playstation date back to 1986. nintendo did attempt to use disks from Famicom, but it had a problem. recording made on magnetic disk, it is easy стиралась, moreover, there was a danger of a pirate copy. therefore, when a sheet cd-rom / XA (the standard cd-rom, allowing the write to disk as the compressed sound and arbitrary binary data), nintendo was interested in them. cd rom / XA was developed for sony and philips.production of console lasted 11 years, and it has become one of the longest periods of production in the industry of video games. only sold more than 100 million playstation vr project to create their own virtual reality helmet for the playstation 3. 5.7 inch oled screena three-dimensional гиперреалистичное environment coming to life before your eyes from the user oled of 360 degreesthe effect of immersion on the ps vr with the 360 degrees allow you to become part of the living world with бесшовным field of vision.120 frames per secondsmooth visualization and unusually low time delay will be exciting game worlds.
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